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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2019 in all areas

  1. Go buy at coral farm la cheaper wat haha Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    2 points
  2. $10 to $20 per frag Circuit road 9295 4138
    1 point
  3. Sometimes when u cut e plug, it might not break according to the cut u made on the Zoas “mat” sometimes depending on situation, I also cut e plug then slice the Zoas Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  4. Wouldn’t attempt to scrap it off. The tried & tested method is to use a razor blade to make an incision on the mat(do not slice the polyp), then use bone cutter to cut the frag plug at the same datum. With an iodine dip, they are usually open within a day or two
    1 point
  5. After about 1 week after the treatment , all the bryopsis algae is gone and i am happy to share that it is a reef safe treatment and with no fish casualty loss however, i loss some SPS which i suspect could be due to the drop in water quality after the treatment.
    1 point
  6. Updates on the fish QT. Finally brought the SG down to 1.009. Took me about a week to do this, from what i read, you only need 48hrs to drop the salinity without ill effects, but i didn't want to take my chances, as I need my two newer additions to be feeding confidently. Ich spots are still obvious on my Powder brown tang. My understanding is that the salinity only kills the free swimming stage of ich. Will have to wait for the adults to drop off, before the official one month of qt begins. Do correct me if i'm wrong. Got myself two borbonius anthias. Both took about 1 week before feeding on pellets. Now they take mostly just pellets, i supplement with only 1 frozen cube of mysis. I just hope anthias do well in hyposalinity QT, this is my first time trying. These borbonius / blotchy anthias have always been my favourite fish. I waited about 4 mths before finally seeing one on the market. Most of the farms told me they only come in seasonally. Usually end of the year. Managed to snag two when I saw them. My very first borbonius was many years back, sadly it jumped out of the nano tank i had. The QT tank is fed by two autofeeders, broken up into 8 separate feedings, all in small portions. Heres a video of my newer additions. IMG_0820.mp4
    1 point
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