Got some queries on the Chill solutions CSXC-1, I'll just share my own review and opinions with everyone.
The Chill solutions CSXC-1 is ok if your room is generally windy or cool, because it works by a fan. When water temp increases, the fan will kick in. If your room is hot and stuffy, the fan cant draw cool air and will take forever to lower your temp. Basically drawing in hot air is useless to the system.
I.e my room in the day, i set at 26 degrees, the csxc only can maintain 26.5, and will run continuously all day. At night, when i switch on the air-con, it can maintain 26 no problem. By the way, my QT tank is only 10 gallons.
Recommendation is unless u can get a 2nd hand unit that is in really good condition, for a good price, den its worth due to its small form factor. If not a normal 2nd hand chiller will be 10x more efficient. First hand for $400, definitely not worth, go get a Hailea HS28A.
The unit will require some regular vacuuming and removal of dust (by using compressed air) to really be considered efficient.
Take note, when you first use it, your temp will take around 24hrs just to reach your set temp. Goes to show already how much time it will require to cool your water. i.e from 30 to 26 degrees. (Specs on manual says it will be able to maintain -5 degrees for a 10 gallon)
Reasons I will use it -
Only if your tank is small
Only if you plan to use it as a temporary solution (I.e its going to only be on my QT). I believe continuous use of the fan, it will eventually become harder and harder for the fan to perform efficiently (mainly dust / wear and tear due to fan switching on and off constantly.)