I’m running the same type of refugium on my IM Fusion 20. I purchased an electrical plug with a digital On/Off timer. The refugium light turns on about an hour before the display lights turn off and turns off an hour after the display lights turn on. Using the principles of Reverse Daylight Photosynthesis is purported to help stabilize pH during nighttime when CO2 accumulates. This is the theory anyway. I haven’t gotten up in the middle of the night to test pH nor do I think hobbyist test kits are sensitive enough to detect minor fluctuations in pH, but my Chaeto is growing like crazy and my nitrates and phosphates are barely detectable. It’s a fairly cheap modification and may be worth trying. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
I am decommissioning my 4 Feet Tank in the attached picture. Would like to give it away to anyone who is willing to arrange for your own mover from Sengkang.
It consist of the 4ft main tank, sump of around 2.5ft (bottom left in the pic) and a fresh water top up tank (bottom right) and a return pump with all the pipes intact.
There are still coral sand and live rock inside and I still have not drain out the water.
Please pay me $80 for the live rock in the 2nd pic or else you have to wait till I can sell them off.
New Week!
Some new fish shipment at CF.
Imperator angel - Adult and Juv,
Golden butterfly,
Black tail butterfly,
Red scooter mandarin,
Midas blenny,
Evansi anthias,
Sunrise dottyback,
Sohal tang,
Purple tang(tiny)
Mustard tang,
Mitratus butterfly Price asked within.
Hi guys just wanted to share a life hack I discovered idk if it’s been done but just wanted to share.
So I think many agree that it’s not easy taking pics of ur reef tank with blue lights on and the only solution is a orange filter lens which costs quite a bit. So I decided to create my own.
Step 1. Go to Daiso and buy color cellophane. Costs $2
Step 2. Cut out a piece
Step 3. Take pictures!!
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app