Pass the blocks to another reefer to "seed" and when done, remove the form and replaced with the "seeded" marine block.
This hobby is all about patience
I can't agree more sir. Almost obsessive hobby lol. Last night I dosed 0.5ml to the 12.5 us gallon (that's like 47 liters) and the plate and bubble corals went nuts again. The red coral fell onto the sand bed so I can't test it. Caveat: still I can't isolate it to just the enzyme solely, maybe the AI prime light is awesome or the corals finally got used to the new tank parameters. Again the results has been spectacular. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Made something with a laser cutter to elevate the height of the LED and also to hold the mangrove in place. This also provides more flexibility for the placement of the light.
Also gotten a beautiful new fan worm and Gracilaria looking macro from Iwarna over the weekend!
May I know how old is ur tank? Cycling done? If still cycling, can add bacteria like Microbacter7 and many other brands of bacteria out there. If cycling done long ago. Water change is fastest, but must still find the root cause. Hope it helps.