Some updates. Took out my Maxspect Gyre 230 and replaced with a Vortech MP10 and a Jebao OW-25 as I can’t seem to direct the flow where I want it to be with the gyre. Please do not be mistaken, the Gyre is a very good all rounder WM. But most tanks 3 feet and below (unless is a full or sps dominated tank), it may be challenging to direct the flow to ur liking for a mixed reef tank.
The real surprise was the Jebao OW-25. My Gosh, I’m stunned at how easy it is to use and how strong the waves are. The wave patterns are wider (not as pinpoint) than the MP-10.
In terms of style, the MP-10 wins hands down! U get to programme the wave patterns over a 24 hours period. To be frank, I was a tad disappointed by the output. At 80% , it’s not even as strong as Jebao at 40% power. Someone told me before I bought the Voretch, u sure? Can buy 5 Jebao u know! Can your MP10 last longer than 5 Jebao?
And boy.....he may be right........
Some pics for updates :