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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi all, Below are premium quality FC frags available this weekend. Whatsapp 90070711 for booking and collection. Prices from 30-80 up , interested buyer kindly contact me for booking and collation arrangement Kindly quote the item code while placing booking...have a good weekend ! item A item B item C item D item E item F item G item H item I item J item K item L item M item N item O item P item Q item S item T item U item V item W item X item Y item Z
    1 point
  2. $50 for this onyx clownfish. (Size is about 1.5inch) Healthy and active, pellet trained. Feeds on anything. Giving a small RBTA if you can collect by this week
    1 point
  3. Pellet feeding appx 4 inches. selling at $50 text82281184 collection kembangan mrt
    1 point
  4. Must collect tomorrow at depot road. Contact me at 96314688. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. FNM bro. $22 Most LFS that carries Red Sea should have. Give them a call to check stock. I’m the first few that ordered Long ago.....
    1 point
  6. All for $228. Blue Agave Anti venom Sun flower Dragon eye Mandarin orange Collection @ serangoon. 94880692 Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. Brain coral getting puffing up & mushroom going to split again (started from 1 flag till now 6)
    1 point
  8. Arrivals later today: Acanthurus maculiceps, bicolor angels, polleni grouper, green chromis, yellow tail blue damsels, cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis, naoko wrasse, soloriensis wrasse, purple headed wrasse, multilineatum basslet, ornate leopard wrasse, blue tangs, platax batavianus, blue face angelfish adult, purple queen anthias, six line wrasse, pterois mombassae, 3 ribbon wrasse, Moorish idol, Blue eye cardinal, Pristigenys niphonia, Rhinopias scorpionfish, gem tangs, ocellaris clowns, purple firefish, sailfin tangs, yellow scopas tangs, acanthurus chronixis, clown trigger tiny, pink tail trigger, niger trigger, black ear wrasse, pintail wrasse, pyjama cardinal, banded shark, bamboo catshark, rabbitfish, green mandarin, long tentacle anemone, flavoguttatus anthias, tailspot blenny, seahares.
    1 point
  9. Nice bro, I'm looking to set up a low consumption system too. Does your fan make a lot of noise? Also, will topping up with freshwater be okay or is kalk water necessary? Thanks, and looking forward to more updates:)
    1 point
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