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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2018 in all areas

  1. A ) Sunkist B ) tequila sunset C ) supernova D ) Sunny D E ) sukura F ) sunflower G ) tuttis frutti Each frag is $30 Take 4 frags above , per frag $25 Collection at sengkang. FCFS Thank you!!
    1 point
  2. Set 1 Hydra 26 HD black less than a year with mount and a few months warranty left (comes with boxes for both light and mount, registration card) $450 Set 2 Hydra 26 HD black slightly more than a year with mount and registration card $400 Both in very good working condition. Light never ramp beyond 65%. 2 sets for sale at $800. Can collect this weekend Lowballers will be kindly ignored. Thanks
    1 point
  3. Hmm.... I think there are a lot of nice corals around! And maybe just chionging to every shipment and picking the ones u like? Yes many Reefer friends helped aid my collection too haha [emoji28] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    1 point
  4. Internal bleeding is worst then tears
    1 point
  5. It’s a good read for us beginners. Glad all your corals are safe! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    1 point
  6. Wow.. lot of informations to learn here for beginners like me. Thanks for sharing.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
    1 point
  7. Yes bro me too. I’m a tech idiot. Maybe u can consider getting a electrician to make/split an additional power point (lower Chances of surge etc?). One power point is using Berkin. Comes with surge protection and free isurance lol Another PowerPoint comes with an APC extension/back-up battery. The wave makers are powered by this. So it really power failure (happened before) can buy a few hours. Just sharing.
    1 point
  8. Refugium has a side benefit that value adds to your system. it soaks up CO2 and increases the pH of your system. Is a good natural pH buffer AND promotes calcification. You can grow macroalgae for tangs, offers a refuge for copepods/amphipods. Even with high levels of predators, a refuge for the preys allow them to not go extinct in your system and multiply. refugium is a proven nutrient export method with many side benefits. bacteria media is an anecdotal nutrient export at best without the side benefits.
    1 point
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