It is often amaze to see a frogfish as one of the most unquie sea animal found in the ocean and in our aquarium. The frogfish is amazing able to blend itself perfectly with their surrounding in the ocean. Some of the frogfish have fleshly flaos that mimic algae, while others are covered in a warty texture which look identical to sponges or rubble.
Frogfish are shallow water fish, living in a variety of substrates from algal flats, to rock strewn slopes, and sandy plains.Frogfish also vary greatly in size, from the size of your thumbnail to a slightly deflated soccer ball. They can perch themselves in uncanny positions and remain there for extended periods of time.
A video of the frog fish feeding.
A frogfish attracts and snags fish with the use of an illicium, a rod-and-lure-type spine that protrudes from the animal's forehead and dangles over its mouth. Once the prey approaches and attempts to bite on the tip of the illicium, the frogfish quickly opens its mouth wide and sucks in the animal. Because frogfish don't have teeth, the chemicals in their digestive track do most of the work of breaking down their prey.
While Frog fish can be a very interesting ,fascinating and beautiful fish, it is not recommended for those new to keeping saltwater aquariums mainly due to it's diet. Live feed is necessary to get it to feed initially and slowly switching over to frozen food to remove it;s dependency on live feed.