Hi all, passing kindness forward with dead rocks and dead sand to anyone who can collect these 2 pails today or this weekend! Fcfs at lakeside.
If you got any frag to give, or anything useful that would be much appreciated but no pressure!
If not taken, I have to discard by Monday.
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I not sure what is this brown sheet on my rocks.
Is it diatom? If is diatom then is silica induce. Will disappear once silica drop below 0.1 ppm
Or is this cyano? I never see brown cynao before. And is not slimme.
If its cynao that is bad bacteria. Cynao feed on nitrogen and carbon and use photosynthetic period to produce oxygen.
Will reduce photosynthetic period by 50% and siphon out what can be seem. Will also reduce the nutrient level by reducing the PO4 from 0.3 to 0.1
Hope above steps work.