Did 3 WC the since yesterday morning. Normally I don’t test for nitrates. But someone my gut feel told me too. And boy, my nitrate was at 25ppm.
Did a 20% wc and dropped to 15ppm. Did a test a night again and it went back to 25ppm. Did another 10% wc.
Just checked this morning and it’s still 25ppm. While doing another wc. The real issue surfaced! Finally! Dead moth in the sump which only showed today. Realised when the refugium light is on at night, it attracts a lot of insects and moths. This time it got stucked and i couldn’t see it.
Decided to ask my helper to turn on the lights only when the main door is closed and be more vigilant in her checks.....cos I will be away for almost 2 weeks! Pray nothing dies....