Cebu shipment arrived.
Flagfin angel, xenia filefish, majestic angel, nox angel, coral beauty, half black angel, emperor juvenile, pintail wrasse, anglerfishes, GOLDEN rhinopias, bicolor angel, purple queen anthias, ocellaris clownfish, solorensis boxfish females, blue tangs, longnose hawkfish, yellow clown gobies, hector gobies, yellow arrow shrimps, sea goblin, pajama cardinals, zebra flounder, black cardinals, inermis hawkfish, green chromis, yellow tail damsels, chromis retrofasciata, scooter blennies, coloured tubeworms, twin spot blennies, randall goby with shrimp, many other goby species with shrimps, copperband butterflyfish, ghost pipefish, grissengeri gobies, shame face crabs, pebble crabs, global sea urchins, GOLDEN sea cucumbers, pencil urchins, abalones, purple mertensi anemone, cuttlefish eggs, cuttlefish, shark eggs, long tentacle anemone, anemone shrimps, many sea stars, blue linckias, upside down jellyfish, red big head shrimps, stenopus cyanoscelis pairs, periclemenes kororensis shrimps (symbiont for long tentacle plate coral), blue tangs, etc.
Indonesia shipment arrived.
Foxface, magnificent foxface, ocellaris clowns, true percula clowns, mandarins, seafans, mushrooms, zoanthids, etc.