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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2017 in all areas

  1. I always believe reefing is for enjoyment and should not make me a slave to this hobby. Thus, I have these three criteria for my reefing. 1. Simple 2. Low maintenance 3. Cost efficient With the above criteria, I'm very much limited to less demanding corals like LPS and softies. I'm very intrigue by Santa Monica's Algae Scrubber System. No skimmer, no water change and no dosing or additives requires. It is too good to be true........ but I shall test it out. I will chronicle my journey here. Let's begin.............................
    1 point
  2. Hi Bros / Sis Lastest release ! Whatsapp 90070711 for viewing and reservation RR Yellow Hornet - from $60 FC The Beast - from $120
    1 point
  3. Dear Reefers, We are pleased to announce that Reef Systems & Services Pte Ltd has been appointed to carry Deltec Skimmers and products. For new order and enquiry- do enquire at enquiry@reefsystems.sg For any existing units that requires any back-up support and spare parts order- you may do the same at enquiry@reefsystems.sg For new product launch and promotions - update to follow on ! REEF SYSTEMS
    1 point
  4. For greatest variety in livestocks do head down to Iwarna this week. Latest arrivals: True Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus (the epitome of fairy wrasses), coral beauty, flagfin angel, heraldi angel, venustus angel, XL sunburst anthias, pseudanthias hutomoi, regal angels, pinnatus batfish, ornate butterflyfish, filament fairy wrasse, chelmon rostratus, Diodon eydouxii, XL shoulder tang, orange line bristletooth tang, blue eye tang, aberrant tang, powder brown tangs, sailfin tangs, blue face triggerfish, yellow flanked fairy wrasse, bamboo catshark, Moorish idols, brunneus wrasse, sailfin fairy wrasse, randall anthias females, small purple queen anthias, algae blenny, chromis viridis, chromis agilis, clown triggerfish, assorted damsels, springeri damsels, chromis retrofasciata, seahare, spider conch, blue linckia, nassarius snails, lyretail hogfish, banded serpent star, sea star snails, banded trochus snails, tiger cowrie, fire gobies, ocellaris clownfish, dusky heraldi angel, hybrid heraldi angel, dusky acanthurus pyroferus, high fin snappers, watchman gobies, emperor angel, ghost pipefish, uncommon pipefishes, grissengeri gobies, curious worm goby, blue eye goby, hector gobies, many more. Also many invert oddities like mimic octopus, cuttlefish, plate coral shrimp, bumblebee shrimps, crinoid shrimps, sand dollars, globe urchins, bongo shrimp pairs, harlequin shrimp pairs, upside down jellyfish, big head shrimp, assorted nudibranchs, harlequin shrimp pairs, long tentacle anemone (purple ones too), latreilla valida crabs, assorted special crabs, etc. Arrival around 1pm tomorrow: Moustache jawfish (O. lonchurus), blue reef chromis, lettuce nudibranch, candy basslets (liopropoma carmabi), argi angels, rock beauties, black cap basslets, swissguard basslet, royal grammas, neon gobies, small atlantic blue tangs. Available on Thurs morning: Cultured Bali SPS.
    1 point
  5. Price reduced to $250 only!!! Best chiller in the market!! Need to clear by this week!!! Do spread and share!! Thanks!
    1 point
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