Used few time only.
Can see from photo no rust at all.
Collection : changi area. Next to women's prison
Foc - TDS Pen and few empty cartridge
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
High quality FC frags , healthy and pest free that you can trust.
Ultimate Blue Staghorn - $80 ( 2 available )
Whatsapp 90070711 for reservation and booking.
Cheers !
Blue Aussie Mille - $120 and $80
Strawberry SC $150
FC Rainbow Blossom $120
update: Please whatsapp me at 83230308 instead of PM me for better respond. thanks
1. True Octo = $150 (very large about 2 to 3 fist size)
2. hammer = $100 (bigger than 2 to 3 fist size)
3. Ducan = $100 (with 15++ to 20+ heads)
4. zoa = $20 (nice blue centre and red tenticles zoa on a piece of rock bigger than a fish size)
5. NEW VorTech QuietDrive MP10QD bought 2 mths ago from MADZPET at $349 with warranty. Now selling for $300
6. Used maxspect-xf150-gyre-generator = $200 (from DE Lighting)
7. Jebao Auto Dosing Pump DP-4 REEF AQUARIUM with 4 storage tank of 1L each + platform to support dosing pump. ALL selling as a set for only $150. be listed.
Added one additional AI Hydra 26 HD (won the prize from the AI contest) to my main DT. Thank to Reef Depot as the Sponser and SRC for organising the contest.
And also thanks to all the LFS that voted for me to win the special prize Really appreciate it very much.