So what are your thoughts on common names like "radioactive birdsnest" or even "strawberry shortcake" or "watermelon millie"? All these names started when someone coined them out of nowhere. Do you think that they should be sold as "neon green Seriatopora hystrix", "regular Acropora microclados" and "pink Acropora millipora with long green hairy polyps"?
Ultimately reefers here coin names all the time. Does the scientific community recognize what is a "rainbow blasto"? Yet we reefers do. How fanciful or plain do the names need to be before your objections are triggered?
It might not be such common practice here yet, but if you look up the websites of famous usa coral sellers like Battle Corals, Reef Raft USA, Cherry Corals etc, the weird names they have for their corals will make your head spin. And you must remember even our common coral names like "pikachu", "wolverine" and "strawberry shortcake" came from these online retailers at some point in the past. So again, as these older more conservative names were "allowed" into the market, where do you think the line should be drawn in the local hobby?
In my personal view, if an already named coral is given a new fanciful name then that is wrong. However, given that wild unnamed corals are plentiful here, there's nothing wrong with a name being given to help identify the coral. If that name gains traction in the market then good, easier for us hobbyists in the future. If not, who cares? It will fall into disuse in future.