Hi Cedric,
I do believe that i experienced and observed an increase in coralline algae after dosing both of them. However, i think it really has to do with how much your corals utilise it. For example, when i only had LPS, i observed much more growth as compared to now. Based on the above responses, it could explain why
Hi Bro,
I do dose iodine (once in two weeks) with bromine to supplement for softies + corralline algae growth. Softies greatly appreciate this additional dosing (see more expansion with regards to anemone and ricordea florida), but i do not think its a necessity to do so. For me, its more to promote more corralline algae growth.
I am not offended in any case of you selling at the deserved price you think it is, nor if any PS touch up as the blue lighting indeed is a pain to deal with.My only issue is the naming of Coral, I believe many people who spoken to me in CG or real life understand where I am coming from regarding this matter. Already I heard from friends some oversea LFS reading this forum is laughing of some FC xxxxx naming.
I wish Singapore reefers are not laughing stock in international Reefing community.
Can you imagine if there are a few more reefers also come out with weird names and starts selling them, how will new reefer like me knows what we are buying. Imagine a Friend come visit my tank, saw this piece of coral and ask what is it, and I says it's FC Mickey Mouse.
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Bro, I admit i am super new and actually know nothing for sps. Thats y I always google base on what coral name given by seller on sales thread to help on identification. If you duno the ID, shouldn't you sell it with title unknown sps ID with super nice color as shown blah blah blah. The only reason i can think you give this fantasy name is actually u know the actual ID but reluctant to put it up as you know it cant carry the price you want. I may be wrong but thats the impression i get. Anyway good luck and i continue my learning with seller willing put up real ID. K thx bye Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lovely! Waiting for more updates from you!
I wonder how do reefers in other parts of the world manage the temperature in different seasons, guess you got to have both chiller and heaters?