During this period, I also realised that the zoas are not doing well, they started to drop off one by one and rot in the tank. It was disposed off immediately.
I liked my yellow tang a lot and spent quite the hefty price for it at $55, again at this west side LFS.
But after reading up some, I realised that I am overstocking my tank and a yellow tang should not be kept in such nano tanks. I was looking for a new owner for him and decided to sell this and get a AL-60 chiller from a fellow reefer bro here.
Things went wrong, the chiller kept leaking despite many attempts at fixing it but this bro was cool and I returned it to him. Also realised that we started reefing at about the same time!
During this period also bought more stuffs, like the accudrip from F&M, introduced by a reefer bro.
Kinda expensive for such a simple device, but it made acclimination of fishes much easier. Didnt regret it even though you can do the same thing for less than 5 bucks.
A Jebao RW-4 was also added to the tank. With so many photos in the forum, it does look to me that they have one thing in common, at least one wavemaker.
As I was also going on a long holiday soon, I was figuring out how to do a water top up. I didnt want to spend hundreds on a ATO system but found this at the west side LFS.
This is probably the only thing that I did not regret buying from here. It is not cheap, not expensive and served its purpose for the duration that I was away.