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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2016 in all areas

  1. Lights finally installed. Managed to hide all the wires in the grooves of the aluminum profile. One of the electrical panels....work in progress The power adapters are mounted on a raised wire mesh to allow airflow on both sides of the adapter. Keeping it cooler is always better.
    2 points
  2. If anyone is selling Nuclear Death Palythoa, please let me know! Thx.
    1 point
  3. Person who reserved the elegance aeroplane-ed and had no courtesy to inform at all. So the elegance is back on sale. Left with elegance and fruitloops.
    1 point
  4. Previously my Sohal tang was having serious color discolouration and it seems really pale.. no ich etc but just color gone... I asked around and found out that it maybe lack of vitamins from the food pellets that it has been taking in... Tried to give it some nori and red bamboo but nvr saw it eat any.. So i went to the Local Fish Shop and buy some Fish vitamin.. Got the Aquaforest Fish V.. which allows me to dose into the water or soak into the pellets before feeding.. After about 2 weeks of daily feeding via this way.. I can say that the color is coming back and the sohal is not longer pale... All the fishes totally love the soaked pellets.. If anyone encounter this in future.. Try some fish V .. and also moving forward i am intending to feed more variety of food... like henry gourmet and also mysis soaked etc.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. Celebrating 1,000 posts with current less than ideal fts after removing some huge heads of sps smothered by gha recently. Still struggling with gha on certain spots if you can see them
    1 point
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