Actually when a fish is said to be not reef safe, we should not swallow it as it is but to probe further in what sense.
I am keeping the following not reef safe fish:
* Coris wrasse (adult about 5" long). It is said to be not reef safe. But no source really specify on what it is not safe. Some said it will shrimp ans crabs and will turn over rocks. Since I do not keep shrimp, then it is okay. I have kept it for almost half a year and I love it.
* Schooling banner fish (false moorish idol). Yes it occasionally nip on SPS polyp but it does not damage it. The damage is negligible, unnoticeable. It is such a beautiful fish. I have kept for about 1-2 months.
* Vagabond butterfly. Yes it occasionally nips on SPS polyp but again no noticeable damage. It is with me together with the false moorish idol about 1-2 months.
* Yellow clown goby. It fed on SPS polyps, but also no real damage. It some times hit the Vagabond butterfly with much bigger size to defend the coral it is staying on. The butterfly is scared of it and would run away.
So basically not reef safe should not be just generalized and avoided. But it should be understood in what context and what the consequences are before deciding.
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