Want to sell the following fishes !
Blue tang x 2 3-4inch
Both living together since young
$40 each
Yellow tang 3-4 inch - $55
Lemon peel angel 2inch - $40
Blue face angel 3-4inch - $80
Flame angel 2inch - $60
Vanderbuilt chromis 1inch - $15
Diamond head goby 3inch - $10
Cleaner wrasse 2inch - $10
Percula pair 1.5inch and 1.3inch - $80
Majestic angel 3inch - $40
$420 for all
All feeding on brine, mysis, caviar and pellet
Prefably someone who can take all as they have been living together for very long . Don't want to break them up . But they growing too big for my tank . Collection will be at pasir ris . If can collect tomorrow will sell at $400 .
Please bring your own pails or plastic .