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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2015 in all areas

  1. Good Sunday Everyone ! I have something to say !!! As you all know, sometimes we are sick of Sps ID , especially Designer names aka Market names. I agreed, Designer names are awesome and I loved their names too. But theses sweet names rarely come along with full information for you to take note. It's not always easy to know what species do you have, unless you are experienced reefer or somebody guided you for your new frags Hence, I'm starting this thread to share & learn the Species name of Designer sps from our local markets in our community. Last, I'd like to invite every reefer to participate this thread. I'm very glad and much appreciated to you all. with love, Lin Ko
    1 point
  2. Some of my anecdotal observations of the 6 small anemone's in my tank & things done : - Anemone typically like a small recess where they can anchor their foot in. - I've epoxied some rocks together to create this movable structure before. I've also used a small piece of 1" piping with a small rock inside to create this recess - Anemones that are hosted by clown fish & invertebrate (in my case, it was a porcelain crab) seem to do better. - Those hosted has better colors & nice bubble tips all the time. They seem to stay put in one place. - I have 2 anemones that are not hosted. They move around a lot more & to places with less light resulting in poor shape & colors.
    1 point
  3. I saw some at ac display tank last wk.
    1 point
  4. Spent 588 for this.From brown to fully colored
    1 point
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