Won't deny that. Its all up to an individual and how one prioritises things in their life.
I have the chance to speak to many reefers, made many friends and seen some decom and even come back again, stronger than before.
Personally, I have been keeping marine aquariums for many years with some break in between and starting from a simple fowlr juwel tank to my current setup from reef systems. I feel that the only limit in yourself and there are times when I get fed up when things just won't go my way but end of the day I decided to sit back and think of ways to solve the problem from the root, instead of buying snake oil solutions. I feel that there must be a certain understanding in the product you are buying before one can make conclusions about its effectiveness on their own setup.
After all, its your own hobby and how successful you are is really how much you decide to put in. There is no hard and fast rule to things and things wouldn't change overnight.