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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2014 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Hello everyone. I decided to post something here since everyone is posting something here and everyone has something to say about this! Guys, i feel that what many people who posted is saying is wrong. Even to the shame of some of the more experienced reefers. Why? Because i see people trying to send a message to the TS. A positive one. YES. But people like Snoopy are taking that to the next level by calling the TS dumb and such. It no longer edges on the boundary of trying to help the TS gain knowledge or change his ways. Its almost hateful. Condemn the act my friends, not the person! Dont make yourself look foolish and trivial by passing remarks like TS is dumb and stupid. And i dont think so many people have to repeat the same message so many times! What can you guys do?! Bring him to court?! So calm down everyone. I think the message has been clear enough. Dont mar your own reputation by skewing this issue to irrelevant proportions. Leave this matter be and let the mod close this thread.
    1 point
  3. Got some foc products from Bro jackiee. Really nice gesture from him.
    1 point
  4. Nice setup. What skimmer would you be using ?
    1 point
  5. 没有用过铜药哦。。 不过之前鱼有中过白点病。。 现在全部鱼抓出来隔离了 伤心。。。。。 海葵虾从开缸到现在大概两个月了 不过之前有从小缸换缸过来
    1 point
  6. Got a moorish idol recently though I know odds are against me to get it to feed. Hope it eats soon. Only noticed it pecking on the rocks currently
    -1 points
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