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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2014 in all areas

  1. The gene pool of Roaps hybrid colllected isolated areas in Marshalls (where all three, Tinkeri, Burgess and Flavocoronatus can be found and cross-breed with one another) has been "mixed" and "re-mixed" until we can no longer ascertain the parental lineage of these hybrids. In any case the burgess blood is so strong and usually results in hybrids losing more yellow of the tinker and flavocoronatus which caused the hybrids to be less attractive than its parents. In remote parts of Marshalls where they are collected, the hybrid Roaps are more common than pure Roaps. The price has dropped significantly due to growing supply. First batch used to command a 4-figure price tag! Over the past 1 year, locally we have seen quite a few coming in and offered at very good price (low hundreds)!
    1 point
  2. It have been a good discussion. It is okay to change price every week or every shipment, we all understand that the cost of shipment changes depending on the suppliers, countries, money exchange rate, etc. It is good to label the price every shipment, just in our money changer. .. I am not against the increase of prices. In fact, it is important that the LFS make profits in order that they still operate and bring in fishes and corals. I see some increase through last few years, but to me, it is okay. I just hope they could label the price every shipment. May be more works for them. Increasing price and labelling the price are two different issues, we should not mix them up in the discussion. We should concentrate on labelling price.
    1 point
  3. _-" why consumers must pay more for labelled LS... the cost of LS is the same whether they are labelled or not... Not labelling LS only indicates to me that the shop might be looking for opportunity to chop chop new faces. Of cos, some shops even though no label have more integrity than others.. question is how newbies know...
    1 point
  4. Bro I harvest my chaeto from time to time. Got pods inside. U want can pass u some. I stay tampines
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Been using redsea reef salt without probs ever since i started...
    1 point
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