From my experience since we all have issue, having a quarantine tank may be a luxury, with ich:
* Most important is stress free, full of appetite that keep their immune system top noch.
* Second, if tank has ich but fish are all healthy and able to fight, ich will slowly lost their power until we introduce new fish with ich that somehow causes rejuvenated ich outbreak.
According to research, after 11 months, tank with ich but never introduce new fish with ich, will cure itself, that is the ich parasites will die by itself.
My guess (but no proof) is that it is the case with their genetic diversity. When they give offsprings from the same pool of genes, over the time, it creates weak individuals.
So if tank has ich, but all fish are healthy and strong, do not add new fish. Let the tank run for about a year and the tank will be ich free.
* Fish that is weak and show heavy white spots, depending on how strong it is, give a fresh water bath and then put on hypo salinity, observe and try keep feeding it as often as possible. But remember to always change water to keep quality good. When it is strong and recover, slowly increase salinity, monitor and in the end put back to the tank. Remember to keep the fish stress free. If existing inhabitants bully the fish, got to immediately isolate it. Within a day or two the fish can die if kept bullied.
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