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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2014 in all areas

  1. Beauty is in the eye of beholder. If its something that you think is worth the price, then its worth it to you, doesnt matter the market rate... people will pay top dollar for a rare fish... its something a non reefer can understand, to them its just a fish... lets go back to the joy of reefing... and stick to field reporting
    1 point
  2. I second that..the most impt thing is the fish is healthy n feeding on pellets..$80 is not too far high in term of price..enjoy looking at him swimming will not let u think of the $ liao..cheers
    1 point
  3. Philippines shipment @ Iwarna tomorrow late morning: Stocks: Green chromis, springeri damsel, yellow belly damsel, Ecsenius stigmatura (tail spot blenny), Jann's pipefish, Cleaner wrasse, emperor angel adult, bicolor angel, severnsi pencil wrasse 2m2f, blue koran angel, sunburst anthias, keyhole angel, pink streak wrasse (Pseudocheilinops schultz), rusty angel, longnose hawkfish, polleni grouper, paraplesiops poweri, copperband butterfly, cyaneus flasher wrasse, carpenter wrasse, 7banded grouper, porcupine fish, P. wassi dottyback, tomato clown, 6line wrasse, hoeven's wrasse, green wrasse,eviota nigriventis, trimma tevegae, green mandarin, leopard wrasse, multibanded pipefish, ghost pipefish, antennata lionfish, razorfish, blue tangs, sailfin tangs, sepiacauda hogfish, grammica goby, brotulina fuscus, strombus, urchins, sand dollars, linckia starfish, bumblebee shrimp, blue velvet nudibranch.
    1 point
  4. going for 1 dollar to caring reefer.. and muct be collected today as I clearing tank. 90031320
    1 point
  5. yes this is normal as you added a shrimp...same principle as choped shrimps being washed in a bowl.will have foam..your tank must be small correct?
    1 point
  6. More liopropomas! This time are the big ones that grow up to 5". Liopropoma Eukrine (Atlantic wrasse bass) Price: around $500 Care: Easy. Where to find: From carribbean shipment. Hard to find. Requires special order from our LFS. So far only one has came to singapore. Terry's liopropoma eukrines from Iwarna
    1 point
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