selling a resun CL450 bought 2nd hand , working perfectly chills my old 2.5,1,1 feet ,20gallons tank in 5 mins ,
$200 -text me 9386665I
reason for selling , bought a new 3,2,2 tank set and it comes with a chiller so letting go 1
Thank you all for the pointers/tips/advice and help. I managed to diy the entire overflow and plumbing to the sump.
Did it initially with a 0.5" PVC but realise that the flow was way too low so I made another with 1" PVC with 0.5" return tap off to refugium and DT.
So far it has been running great!
Done numerous power cut check and the siphon restarts without a problem.
Not much to update so far.
The bleached SPS still remain bleached, only improvements noted were that the polyps of the jade green digitata have turned darker.
I plan to increase feeding of dried baby plankton to a daily basis as I read that ammonia and nitrates don't affect bleached SPS. In fact, they require the nutrients to regain the zoox algae.