Hi all, Newbie here!!! Planning to setup a mini marine tank with FOWLR and some hardy coral. Tank size is abt 20x20x20cm(Know its tough, but my table is small). Looking to keep 2 small fishes(Clown Fish) with shrimp. Can someone guide me along with the type of equipment and dosing required. (Note : Budget abt $200 including Live Stock/ Rock/Sand, everything required and test kit)
1) Tank( Already had!)
2) Filter? Is Hang-On filter enough? Which type is ok? Brand?
3) Skimmer? Is it required?
4) Lights? Is Par38 cost high? Looking at LED light. looking at table top lights with adjustable arm. Any other brand to recommend? Cost?
5) Sump? No place for it. Any other options?
6) Filter Media? Please recommend, dun wan to be high maintenance ( Can last long time )
7) Fan? Using air con in office / bedroom (Is it suitable to keep in bedroom?)
8) Test Kits? Please recommend type and brand and price.
9) Wave maker? Can I use a bigger size HOF to create the flow? else can recommend?
10) Live Rock? Where can I get? How much should I get? Planning to scape a centre piece with hole in the centre so that the fish can hide and swim across.
11) Live Sand? Where can I get? How much should I get? Is it required as I using Live Rock?
12) Marine Salt? Which type is recommend? Dun understand also.
13) Others? ( Let me know what I miss out, Would wan a complete system that can be used and easy maintenance)
Please try to advice in the most laymen term. I wish to try out this hobby that's why go small and see how it goes before I jump into the ship.
Please let me know where I can get the items from as well. Wont mind second-handed items as well. Would be best if someone can sell me the entire setup + Coaching + teaching as well. haha
Thanks In ADVANCE!!!
(Ps : Max size tank I can use is abt 30cm)