Not too long ago.. I walk pass a nano 1 feet cube tank and was just looking at the flame angel swimming in it ... I fell in love.. once again... the reefing passion is still there. So i decided to decom my arowana tank and start a 2 feet cube tank. My new home will be coming next year, so this will be a great tank for me to catch up before embarking on a bigger project ....
As I sold my tunze nano 6025 to kelvin81, he inspire me further and a lot of inspiration was drawn from his tank =) BTW i think I am the only one using tunze nano as a wavemaker for my arowana.
Conceptualization came when one fine day i sat down with vincent AA to discuss the possibility of the birth of my tank ...
and here is it. Yup... I am concerned with details and my ideas will change from the 1st concept to the final birth...
Let the picture do the talking. Well.. As usual, vincent being vincent will patiently listen to all my request and worries and advice me how thing can be better.
Can you imagine my excitement when it was delivered ?
Wanna thank kelvin81, vincent and Seet, ken from madpetz for the equipment advice.