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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2014 in all areas

  1. After removal, some more corals will perish because the water in your tank has been strip clean. Remember that photosynthesis of plants required some NO3 & PO4. Corals need some traces of them too. This is basic science that we have learn in school. Your corals are currently 'eating themselves' due to not enough nutrients in thw water for them to photosynthesis to produce enough food, resulting in bleaching. Check & confirm your ammonia, NO3, if this 2 are ok, highly possible as what i had mentioned. 2 packs of carbon is too much.
    1 point
  2. As of today , the water temperature is cooled to 26.1 degrees but the corals still seem dull and lifeless Is it because of the salinity problem or is it because of the detritus problem . Today im going to get a few bags of ro/di salt water mix from my lfs , to do a 30% water change , maybe this can dilute whatever toxins there are in the tank ( there shouldn't be as I am running lots of carbon ) . Also I will add in a few other chemical medias , mainly purigen and seachem phosguard . I would also be getting a turkey baster from the shop to blow off the detrititus that has settled on the corals .
    1 point
  3. very interesting thread here... i wonder if he is still keeping his tank?
    1 point
  4. you have a very nice and neat setup.
    1 point
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