Just set up my shrimp tank! So far it only has two RCS in it. The rest died in the mail unfortunately. But I should have some more on the way eventually. Right now both are females and one looks to be as if it is berried. The tank is a 5g cylindrical tank (acrylic). It has very fine white sand substrate, some wisteria, and a crypt. Also I may have some java moss in there. I have a single airstone and a DIY sponge filter. I used cycled media from my established tank to set it up. I also managed to tape a LED light to the lid of the tank which was no easy task. Unfotunately it's only colored LED lights so the brightest one I could get was purpleish. It's alright for a night light I suppose haha. The tank is in front of a window facing south so it should get lots of sunlight. I just hope I don't get algae.
Next I want to get some more shrimp for this tank. More RCS and some Blue Tigers. I dunno if CRS will cross breed with RCS. If they don't then I might get some of those. Next I want to get some moss balls and get a good piece of driftwood covered with java moss for the shrimp. And I might get a snail.. who knows. Or perhaps some endlers. Haha the options are endless.