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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2011 in all areas

  1. Hello, everybody, I'm very happy to be here. I live in Los Angeles area, very excited about what's going on in Singapore. Hope to be able to help others.
    1 point
  2. suggest that you dont place corals so closely to each other as they might attack each other and causes it to be injured / melt place them reasonably apart and do water changes (after calibrating your salinity meter/ph) and monitor their condition (with your healthy corals as a sign to see whether all is ok)
    1 point
  3. Hi Terryz, Let me first state that my intention is not to blown the issue out of hand here. But it will be good for the members here to be able to see the actual comments posted by Mr Johan and let the others judge for themselves if Mr Johan's comment is indeed 'racist'. It is only fair for Mr Johan who has been labelled as 'racist' a chance to clear the air over his comment. If he is just stating a fact on his observation on the Chinese, he is probably free to do so. But if the comment does contain certain elements of untrue or obvious bias towards the Chinese, he has better explain it further or risk a permanent bad impression from reefers who has gotten partial info or from here say. While these forum is mainly for the benefit of sharing in the context of marine reefing, racism should not be entertain. So i urge that the forum administrator handle this matter in a fair and transparent manner, instead of letting the matter rest, leaving ambiguities.
    1 point
  4. Your salinity should not go beyond 1.023. Your nitrates should not be too high. Either you have not been doing the regular water changes or you have too many fish in your tank. Your temperature should not be higher then 26 degrees.
    -2 points
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