Just to Share for a better reefing.
due to the hassle of removing debris or unfinished food everyday without siphon out the water,
maybe this method will be more hassle free and serve a healthier enviroment for our tank.
i gathered all this stuffs :
1. A battery Operated Pump. (12 buck )
2. Some Sponge
3. A Bottle Cut.
Place the sponge into the bottle as follow and place this into the overflow compartment of tank.
Start up by using the Batt Operated Pump to suck up the debris.
It took me just few min to get the job done .
For those who decided to have their sand bed converted to Bare Bottom without removing the water and sterling the debris/ or removing the rock scape, by only using the Energizer Battery, you can expect to remove up to grade 3 sand.
Just my 2 cents.