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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2010 in all areas

  1. Lately I have receive some enquiries on what are considered easy care SPS for beginners. So I have chosen the following specimen which is imo relatively easy care and “reefer friendly” specimen for bros who wanna start SPS  SPS B1 – Hot Pink / Green bi-colour Birdnest - $20 B2 - Radio Active Birdnest - $20 B3 – Turquoise Cream base Birdnest - $30 B4 - Chilli Pepper / Forest fire Monti Cap - $40 B5 – Maroon Red Monti Cap - $25 B6 - Lime Green Millepora - $30 B13 – Jady Green Digitata - $30 Frag Pack Option – You can choose to get a frag pack of Option A - all of the above for just $120 nett. Option B – any 5 for $100 Option C – any 3 for $80 For those who wish to try out only individual specimen, price would be as stated. Next…Zoas ! Z1 – Sunkist $30/polyp Z2 – Purple Death $30/polyp Z3 – Sunflower $10/polyp Z4 – Pink Panther $10/polyp Z5 – Blue Rim Red PPE $15/polyp Z6 – African Blue Steel Hornet $30/polyp Z7 – Lights of Amazon $30/polyp Z8 – Yenko $10 /polyp Z9 – Strawberry Wine ( Red Wine ) $120 / polyp Z10 – Peacock Eye $25 / polyp Z11 – Congo Red Hornet $35 /polyp All frags has been properly conditioned, coloured-up and stable. SPS frags size ranges from 1-3 inches. Photos of the mother colony / frags taken under T5 ATI blue plus / Aqua blue special ( photo period around 12 hours ). Water parameter has maintained close to natural sea water level, stable at 7-9 dKh, Ca @ 450ppm, Mg @ 1100-1250ppm. Phosphate and nitrate undetectable using Salifert. Interested GENUINE reefer please pm me for viewing arrangement. No reservation and FCFS basis only, thanks for all the kind understanding   Happy and joyous reefing to all !
    2 points
  2. Is not the matter of wrong or right answer. What I want is just a general answer to have a feel of what normally you guy set for you chiller. That's all I want. I am not asking a very difficult question where only expert can answer right?. This is a place where people share their knowledge so please don't just reply to those question which only benefit you. Thanks. Example: when you see a chiller selling at $50. Everyone rush to reply.....
    -1 points
  3. Anyone know the price of the medium sized wrought iron?
    -1 points
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