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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2010 in all areas

  1. Following are the items from left to right based on the attachment: 1) Airstone skimmer - $10 2) Queen skimmer without pump - $18 3) Macro skimmer without pump - $30 4) RM skimmer and Rio 32 pump with free RM waste collector - $ 160 5) Skimz FR with pump - $75 6) Filter pump ( front row) - $8 All items are cleaned and ready for collection. Pm me if interested. Thanks Rais IMG_0554.JPG
    1 point
  2. i would also recommend http://www.reinbiotech.com/biohome/biohome.jsp <-- biohome +. skimmer will be good to have (else you will need to keep change water to keep nitrate and phosphate down) Filtration can be (Surface skimmer -> filter wool (<--- change frequently if not nitrate will shoot up if left un-touched as food might be stuck there and decompose)carbon (seachem carbon would do $6 can get) -> biohome + (1kg $38 at clementi c328)->skimmer (this can be left blank if you change water frequently but it's a good to have) -> pump back to tank. above are just my suggestion (thats how my 12G filtration goes) dosing off bacteria would also be recommended can try: -http://www.aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=1223 (can be brought at Marine life/aquamarin e.t.c or -http://perso.ovh.net/~prodibio/index.php?file=produits&fc=detail&eau_id=2&id=3 (biodigest) which can be brought at petmart e.t.c hope this helps bro i used a fan to cool the water to around 27 degree but must keep topping up water everyday (but must take out the hood for it to work)
    1 point
  3. hi guys, wan to send some corals to make space for others.. yumas at 25 each..(veri healthy) radioactive eagle eye colony for $22 rhotatics frag at one for $5,$5 for 2 polyps(2 pieces slightly bleached)total 7 pieces take all for $16 . cheers
    -1 points
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