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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2010 in all areas

  1. Want to sell both for $160.
    1 point
  2. Rescape!!! Everyone knows thats my favourite reefing activity just saw you have some nice zoas collection. Take good care of them :)and make sure you prepare sufficient saltwater. Always better to overstock them as standby. yes, I would skip anemonies too. I have dipped blastos, mushrooms, supersuns, gonio, starpolyps, before.. these are all ok. when you dip them, try to have a small pump circulating the water inside or use your hand manually to shake them in the dip. The worms, nudis tends to come out easier... a lot of other bugs too.... be prepared for the ugly. I eventually ended by using chopstick to pick the corals up try also to look out for bristle or bobbit worms. these are harder to kill in dip and they might come out and crawl back into the crevices. get ready a pincer / shopstick if you wanna get rid of them. be careful not to break them into two. Same thing after you dip them, take the corals and rinse in fresh saltwater. shake them a bit more vigorously so that any dead organism will fall off. For the coral RX dip, concentration is about 30 drops in 4 litres of saltwater. (best to use your existing tank water too). dip for 10 mins.
    1 point
  3. we only hear one side of the story. Its unfair to judge someone jus from here. Let the seller explain.
    1 point
  4. 1) protein skimmer - an absolute must? if my sump i intend to stock with live rocks and created a refugium to promote good algae growth will it be ample? i was reading somewhere that skimmers skims out both good and bad stuff. Skimmer is pro's more than con's.. its provide more dissolved oxygen, helps some level of ORP and most importantly extract DOC.. 2) chaetos - if i add them into the refugium is it appropriate? where can i obtain them and when is it ok to start putting them in? Chaetos helps add on to nutrient export.. Not hurry since you r still in tank cycle mode...You can get them from Iwarna or some Bro reefers here give them free when harvest... 3) live rocks - do i need to turn on lights for them when they are in the sump during and after cycling? use mainly for biological filtration (i hope). Where can i obtain some good quality and cheap ones Ya, by theory, we should follow normal natural light cycle to keep the life cycle kick in our tank..... I suggest MarineLife or CoralFarm for the Live Rocks 4) test kits - any good brand to recommend? I recommend "Salifert" or "PinPoint" 5) chiller - i have observed a 31.4C temp in the afternoons, is it still ok for FOWLR setup? 31.4C is at high site even fishes only tank... better keep between 28C range.. more comfortable to them... Just my opinion.. 6) after adding salt, water seems a little murky, is it normal? will it clear out? Yes, is normal.. it will clear out after all salt residual settle and fused....we shouldn't add salt directly in our tank... what we should do is premix them and makesure correct SG (best keep a while) before add them in tank... Cheers and Happy Reefing.....
    1 point
  5. Welcome to the community! 1. Someone once told me the skimmer is like the heart of the tank when I first started out on my tank. I find this quite true. A skimmer helps break down some organic compounds before they start decomposing and go through the ANN cycle. Although you are keeping a fowlr and it's relatively ok to have higher nitrates, I still strongly advice you to get a skimmer. fowlr = normally more fishes = more feeding/more poop = high nitrates. If on budget, can always get good quality 2nd hand skimmers going at bargain prices at our pasar malam section. 2. Cheato can be bought/given by reefers or our LFS. Yes you can run them in your refugium now. I have seen many ppl adding cheato at the start of cycling w/o any dying off due to the ammonia spike. 3. Lights are mainly run for cheato growth. Live rocks do not require light for bacteria to populate it. In fact when you visit LFS, you will notice their LR are all hidden at the bottom level w/o light. The cheapest LR are usually found from bros decomming their tanks here. Otherwise can try Reborn. CF rocks are typically one of the best quality and most expensive. 4. I use Salifert. 5. Sg still has not hit the super hot season yet! Maybe let the fowlr bros comment on this. I'm inclined to still run a chiller to cool the tank in case it goes above 31 degrees. 31 degrees is like the max for fowlrs if I'm not wrong. And if you start keeping deepwater fishes, definitely need to go below 29. The key here is not how high or how low you can go but how stable a temperature you can provide for your fishes. You can use fans to cool the tank if really on budget, but you would have to top up alot of water everyday, and it's not effective to cool a 4ft tank. 6. murky? as in chalky? what salt do you use? quite normal, but it should settle down overnight. try to run a pump in to aerate the salt mix. There shouldn't be any residue left if you use the better quality salt.
    1 point
  6. Hi guys selling off this Goniopora Green ( LPS ) ( plus a free Clown fish and one small eight line Wrasse + free dead rocks ) , size of a baby's head for only $50/- very peaceful,Strong Light, Low Flow. It should be fed phytoplankton or brine shrimp daily.(Gonios, a.k.a. Flower Pot Corals, are a very cool looking coral that have a hard round skeleton surrounded by tissue that expands quite amazingly into long flower-like tentacles. They are usually bright green in color.) henry = 91899341 pls call or sms me as i am seldom online and i wont bother to reply , ( I am still around and nothing has happen to me , i am still visiting the sea every month )
    0 points
  7. -1 points
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