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Tiff's Nano

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and then on 23rd Apr cycling's over. :yeah: and firefish was introduced first, 1 week later followed by true percula. Initially got the K1 but swop it with koralia nano still the same sand storm effect.. :unsure:


pico pico pico.

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And the specs/parameters/equipments are as follows:

1ft cube with .5ft IOS

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Po4 0.5ppm (fixing up a FR soon)

Hydor koralia nano

Hydor flo

DE 2x24w T5

Comments welcomed.

Most prob will be a LPS tank with minimal fishes as i don't plan to use a skimmer. Water changes 5-10% weekly.

pico pico pico.

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  • SRC Member

haha..cool.small tank.u fixing up a FR ar ? what's ur filter medium ?

think phosphate production will be small. why not just put it in ur IOS first then observe the level ?

cos previously i have a small tank, don't really need to utilize FR cos most probably you will like to keep the tank looking tidy since u dun have a sump to hide these equipment. FR gonna take up some space.

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  • SRC Member

juz normal filter wool now. For now without the GHA problem is ok. But when it breakout, really big headache. Would prefer to set up one. The FR will be placed on the floor, next to the tank.

pico pico pico.

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  • SRC Member

Hi there! You have a very similar setup like mine. ^_^

I 2nd what victor007 said. Bah... I just realized I've been providing the wrong info for my tank thread, but anyways, I use bottled distilled water (not DI) mixed with salt. With a good bunch of chaeto, I do not have any algae problems, so I don't use an FR. However, I do run a skimmer. With a tank your size, as long as you do not overstock, and you are faithful in your water change, you can even do without the FR.

As for the sand storm, it seems like both the Hydor Flo Deflector & Hydor Koralia Nano are pointed in the same direction towards the front bottom right corner. Perhaps you might wanna consider shifting the Koralia Nano to point horizontally so that it creates a different wave pattern?

Just my 2 cents. B)

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  • SRC Member

great choice of wavemaker for ur tank.. very clean and neat look..

actually with the 'sandstorm', ur tank sorta looks like a sandy beach with the shoreline.. very interesting as well.. :)

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  • SRC Member

haha...cool.i also have four sexy shrimps. they are really cute. i place them in diff. location of my tank and three of them found each other. one still missing. :(

how many sexy shrimps u have ? maybe can get a small group. very cute in a colony shaking together.


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  • SRC Member
haha...cool.i also have four sexy shrimps. they are really cute. i place them in diff. location of my tank and three of them found each other. one still missing. :(

how many sexy shrimps u have ? maybe can get a small group. very cute in a colony shaking together.


hi there, i've only got 1 of it. got plans to buy a few more. :)

pico pico pico.

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bought a thermometer juz now.. temp is 27.8 with fan and rainy day temp.


Bought this medication hope it can help my percula whom is suffering from mouth fungus now..


And strong foaming after dosing.. normal though, read on the instructions.. safe on basically everthing in tank.


pico pico pico.

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ur medication jsut got foam away in ur skimmer....

but its ok... remb if ur melamine dun contain copper else ur sexy shrimp will die...

i seriously hope u consider investing in a fan...

else chiller...

t5 for ur size of tank seems kinda of strong... 27.8 during rainy day in spore is nt acceptable...

in any case u cant on ur t5 during hot afternoon...

worse case scenerio taking out running only 1 bulb but i remb dr evil say e light msut run in pair then can light up mayb u can try.. :unsure:

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thanks amby, im having a fan now. the temp highest is 28.I also freeze bottle of water and put into my tank to cool it down. I think it's still acceptable. When i'm out in the workforce and paying for the family, i'll get a chiller (real soon, 25days to ORD). And GOOD NEWS! that melafix works like magic! My percula is cured! No more fungus mouth. Am a real happy reefer now. And oh ya, it does not affect my sexy shrimp. It's still happily hosting my anemone now. ;)

pico pico pico.

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