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WilliamMuk's Reef (4x2x2.5)


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Hi all,

I'm starting this thread to keep track of my new tank's progress.

Some Background

Previously, I was maintaining a 2.5x1.5x2 reef from Sep 2002 to Nov 2004. For two years, I did not use a skimmer and weekly 15% water change was a routine.

(Here's my old tank thread and old photos in my Webshots album.)

Somewhere between Aug to Oct 2004, I finally decided to get a bigger tank and start afresh. And this time, I'm going to employ a DSB and use a reasonably good skimmer. I also wanted to employ as much automation as it is practical and as much as I can afford. Afterall, I'm on a tight budget ... well, who isn't. :lol:

After a few weeks of planning and sourcing around, I was still undecided which tank maker or LFS should I go with. The main concern was that the total cost is going to exceed my initial estimate by quite a lot. :(

I also realised that if I don't make a decision and commit to get the project going, this could procrastinate from weeks to months. Finally in Oct 2004, I confirmed the tank building project with the chosen tank maker and scheduled the delivery to be in early Nov 2004.

Yay! Finally, I'd paid my deposit and there's no turning back now. :lol:

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The problem with having a chiller in the house is the amount of heat generated when it kicks in. Another problem is the noise. The only way to solve these problems is to locate the chiller away from the tank and the living room area.

Fortunately, it shouldn't be too difficult for my case as only a 6" wall separates my living room area (where I put my new tank) and the outside terrace area. Well, at least I thought it shouldn't be difficult. Afterall, how difficult can it be right? All I needed is to drill a hole for the chiller pipes to going in/out.

Well, I was wrong! Without the right heavy-duty tools, it took me four hours on 23 Oct 2004 to complete the task. It was back-breaking! :pinch: You can read about it here.

And here's the picture sequence from drilling small holes to touching up with PVC pipe and wall plaster.


Finally, the hole is ready for the chiller pipes.

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Can't wait to see your tank!

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Cabinet & Hood

On 29 Oct 2004, the cabinet & hood arrived. These arrived earlier (before the tank) so that I could arrange for the lights to be fixed first.

I must say that I am extremely pleased with the quality of the construction and finishing. The design is a combination of ideas from both the tank maker and myself. I specifically wanted the hood to have flip-up covers for the ease of tank maintenance and servicing of lights.

Please note that these photos are of the hood placed directly on the cabinet. The glass tank is not in yet. :lol:


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On 30 Oct 2004, the lights were fixed. The lighting system comprise of:

- 1 x MH 250W Phoenix 14KK DE with eBallast on electronic timer

- 2 x T5 54W Aquaz Actinic with eBallast on mechanical timer

- 2 x T5 54W Aquaz 20KK with eBallast on mechanical timer

(Although it says 20KK on the tube, the colouration looks white to me.)

All electricals, power extension bar, timers and eBallasts are mounted at the back panel of the hood because I didn't want all these inside the cabinet. As such, the hood can be easily removed by simply disconnecting the one 3-pin plug that connects to the power extension bar.

Here's how it looks like with all the lights on.


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looking good william. :) can u enlighten me on how u arrive at the decision to use DC 915 as ur choice of silicon sealant? :thanks:

Thanks guys.

Oh darn. I made a mistake. It is not 915.

The correct one is Dow Corning 791 Silicone Weatherproofing Sealant.

Very sorry for the confusion. :bow: (See thread on discussion on silicon sealant for aquarium here.)

Thank you lightningstrike for pointing it out. :thanks: To answer your question, it was recommended by my tank maker.

PS: If the mods are reading this, can I ask for your help to edit my above post under Tank Delivery to reflect 791 instead of 915, please? Thank you.

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Thanks guys.

Oh darn. I made a mistake. It is not 915.

The correct one is Dow Corning 791 Silicone Weatherproofing Sealant.

Very sorry for the confusion. :bow: (See thread on discussion on silicon sealant for aquarium here.)

Thank you lightningstrike for pointing it out. :thanks: To answer your question, it was recommended by my tank maker.

PS: If the mods are reading this, can I ask for your help to edit my above post under Tank Delivery to reflect 791 instead of 915, please? Thank you.

no worries william, i hv done some reading/research a couple of months back on the proper type of sealant to use for the construction of a glass aquarium. apparently, there is no conclusive answer.

u can read abt it here.

as far as DC silicon sealants r concerned, seems like it is quite debatable btw DC788 (Penetrator), DC791 & DC795.

hope i did not dampen ur spirits in anyway, since ur tank has already been delivered. maybe DC791 is really the correct silicone sealant to go for after all. :P:paiseh:

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Connecting The Pipes

On the same day, 4 Nov 2004, my tank maker immediately started fixing up the pipings. It was really very hard work. Took him several hours to complete.

My tank maker requested that I do not post his photo on the internet. Maybe he's worried that others might put his head on another body? Heh heh ... :ph34r::lol:

See the workmanship. Very neat. Very professional.

I'm very happy. :D

The arrows indicate the water flow direction. The blue arrow is reserved for the chiller pump to be added later.


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hope i did not dampen ur spirits in anyway, since ur tank has already been delivered. maybe DC791 is really the correct silicone sealant to go for after all. :P:paiseh:

I'm OK. My tank maker assured me that his choice of silicon is appropriate.

Oh well, I guess only time will tell, ya?

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Hahaha i know who he is cos he build my tank too. :lol:

If we're talking about the same tank maker, then you'd agree that he is really very good at what he does. I also felt that he is very flexible and accomodating to my requests. Very good customer service indeed. :)

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Test Run

Finally at around 7+pm, the tank is ready for a test run to check for leaks. Everything is fine.

The bottom photo shows how murky the water is after we started dumping in bags of #0 sand.

OK, that's all for now. I'll continue posting on another day. :snore::snore::snore:


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If we're talking about the same tank maker, then you'd agree that he is really very good at what he does. I also felt that he is very flexible and accomodating to my requests. Very good customer service indeed. :)

That true, service very good. :bow:

6x2.5x2.5 (GEO AQUATIC)

Aquamedic Turboflotor 5000Baby

Aquamedic NR1000

Aquamedic KR1000

Aquamedic Niveaumat

Aquamedic Ozone

RM Fluidised Reactor

Tunze 6060x3

Resun C1000

Aqualight 2x250w + 150w MH

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