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[P]owder Blue

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  • SRC Member

Have read thru different webbie about the functions of denitrator - it seems to be good at reducing nitrate and hence the need to change water regularly. But the question here is : Is it really that good? Just to check whether anyone using it - kindly give your comments on it. :D

One of the links : The Denitrator

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  • SRC Member

it seems like a denitrator is a ticking time bomb to me.

the flow rate need to be precise....& the media need to be fed :huh: alot of dingy to consider. if any aspects are not met or overdone...the denitrator will release tonnes of nitrate into your tank :lol: such a irony

i guess tat's the reason why people choose a cheaper method===>DSB...but in RC, DSB is not getting popular as time goes by...well the debate still goes on & it will never end. Some people swear by berlin, some people hold on to DSB...& of course some people still insist on UGF :P

there is an updated version of a DIY denitrator. It is called the Coil Denitrator. After reading thru, i still dunno how it will works :paiseh:

Another explaination on a coil denitrator

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  • SRC Member

Denitrator is good, you just need to adjust the flow rate, and not like what is mentioned "Time Bomb". As long as you constantly monitor the flow and making sure that it is running, it should not be a problem...

Matt06, so can I assume that you are using one? :yeah: Mind telling us how good the product is? I won't mind trying this product - but so far I have yet to see any LFS selling this ... could this be a tell-tale sign that the filter is afterall not workable? :P

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