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need advices for my 5ft sps setup


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Just brought 2x AB OR6500 pump, AB cal-reactor1000 last month. Going to get AB nitrate reactor 1000, 2x AB Fluidised Reactors, Daeil 1/3 hp chiller, 8x T5 HO (80watt) with reflector as lighting (hate MH), AB Co2 tank/regulator set and another AB OR3500 for chiller in following months, buying them one by one . by 2005, may be get a set of control/monitor system when i go to states. ( brought EV-240, thinking of changing it to AB Turboflotor 5000 to support my half-berlin system)

These equipment is for my 5ft sps tank/cabinet system next year 2005. 8xt5 HO (80watt) should be enough for my 5ft sps tank ( i hate MH), these eqipment should be okie ?

Any reefer can give me advices ???? pls... any advice as i don't want to buy wrong equipments and change it in future.. waste time and $$.

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ur intention is to go sps right? for a 5 footer, i still find that MH is the way to go lol. u r going to hv a chiller so there shld be no heat dissipation concern here. ;)

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  • SRC Member

i understand your point. you have good point too.

I aim to use 8xT5 than mh > 8xT5 (80watt) = 640watt .. with good reflector x 1.2(minimum)= 768 watt (minimum). compare to 2x400w. 8xT5 with good reflector will able to get 768 watt (minimum), it consume lesser energy than 400w MH. lesser heat too.

Less heat, my auto top-up 's treated water can last longer, chiller will kick lesser, risk of power trip lesser. Thus 8xT5 (80watt) HO is better choice compare to MH??

8xt5 (80watt) > 8x80wx10hr per day x 31days /1000 * $0.1635= $32.4

With good reflector > 8xt5 will give another 20% more (minimum) = 768 watt(minimum). less heat, in fact 8xt5 will consume less than 640 watt. thus save energy and chiller kick in lesser. ( 8xT5 HO > with good combination of tube color will able to provide full range of color for sps to grow.)

MH> 2x400 watt > 2x400wx10hr per day x 31days/1000 *$0.1635 = $40.55

For the MH , yet to take note of watt losses ! thus, 2x400 w will only produce less than 800watt may be only 720 watt only. MH created more heat, waste energy. chiller kick-in more.

My tank > going to be 5ftx2ftx2.5ft. after DSB for my half-berlin > left about 2ft+/-. 8xT5 (80w) more than enough.. unless my tank height is > 3ft.

any reefer >> comments ??? :thanks::thanks::thanks: comments on my equipment range and 8xT5(80w) :bow::thanks::thanks:

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hi bro,

not necessary to run 2x400watts......u can run 2x250watts with maybe 2 t5 actinic suppliment.

u only run 400watts unless u are going for full sps.....

t5s are ok but u need a shallow tank...t5 are higher running cost compare to MH. u must also think of the bulbs replacement etc...

my 2 cents worth

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Dr evil > stated a good point too. hmm . any bro >> care to tell us how long can a good t5 (80w) lasted ???

How long can a good MH bulb last???

esp Sponsors/ seller of MH/T5 , T5/MH user >>> pls input data... !!!!!! For benefit of all reefers...

Then we can compare and contrast T5 8x80w HO vs MH 2x 400w. running cost.

( as T5 8x80w will able to produce more watt, more color , less heat than 2x400w) But Dr evil> also state a good point. > replacement cost for t5.

need data, infor so as to be able >>> to make a clear, more accurate comments and study.....

This can benefit others too. !!!!!!!!!!!! :thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks:

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hi bro,

a MH bulb can last atleast 1 yr before it looses its intensity....but for t5, most reefers replace them after 6 mths of firing and also that depends on the number of hrs running.

well, diy MH setup are definately cheaper than 6-8 t5s. btw, the cost of 80watts t5 are expensive...so do the tubes... :D

if i were u, i run 2x250watts with 2 t5 suppliment..... ;) or maybe 3x250watts to have a good spread... :D

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Dr evil > stated a good point too. hmm . any bro >> care to tell us how long can a good t5 (80w) lasted ???

Then we can compare and contrast T5 8x80w HO vs MH 2x 400w. running cost.

( as T5 8x80w will able to produce more watt, more color , less heat than 2x400w) But Dr evil> also state a good point. > replacement cost for t5. :o

(in term of color, 8xt5 with good combination of tube color> will produce more color for sps to grow) Tank depth>>> even for 2.5ft height.. after - DSB , remaining > around 2ft .. for bro who has 2ft height> after DSB >remaining > less than 1.8ft .. thus T5 more than enough for 2.5ft height !!!!!!!! :lol:

8xt5 (80w) = $32.4 (based on 10hr per day for 31days per month)

However T5 > save energy due to its high efficiency > at least save 20% , thus the bill >> = $32.4 * 0.8 = $25.92 per month!! :lol:

2x400w MH >= $40.55 per month.. but note that , even using e-ballast, it won't produce 800w . but much lesser . <_<

In one year (base on 12months)>>>

T5 system >>> 8xT5 (80w)= 12x $25.92 =$311.04 :lol:

MH system >>> 2x400w = 12x $40.55 = $486.6 ( and MH will cause chiller to kick in more often!!) <_<

need data, infor so as to be able >>> to make a clear, more accurate comments and study..... :huh:

This can benefit others too. !!!!!!!!!!!! :thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks::peace:

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  • SRC Member

Thanks Dr evil... lightningstrike :lol:

These infor and discuss will be useful for all reefers in src..

In german ..>> T5 is catching up.. it is the next replacement for mh.. In future, i believe, MH will step down.. Technology increased .. :lol:

Thus we need more T5 / MH user , seller to provide more data.. :lol:


When i setup my tank next year (after july2005) will give credits to you all. (for all your advices and comments) thanks :thanks::thanks::thanks:

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  • SRC Member

it late . bro lightningstrike >> what is the time now > for your working place (japan) around same time? base on the world map. . Take care of yourself there..

Dr evil .. sure hot > 2nite. going to turn on my air-con. <_<

Thanks for your advices and comments. nice to know both of you. ;)

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  • SRC Member
I aim to use 8xT5 than mh > 8xT5 (80watt) = 640watt .. with good reflector x 1.2(minimum)= 768 watt (minimum). compare to 2x400w. 8xT5 with good reflector will able to get 768 watt (minimum), it consume lesser energy than 400w MH. lesser heat too.


can tell how to get extra wattage from 640W to 768W for the T5? output cannot be more than input in concept of power/electricity if I am not wrong. Cannot get something out of nothing(law of conservation of energy).

8x80W rated will give output of 640W in ideal case and with probably power draw of 640/0.95=675W. 0.95 being approx power factor. But there will never be ideal output of tubes, so output will be in the region of 620W.

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  • SRC Member

try considering the height of your tank.... u can put as many t5's as u want to equal the output of mh, but in terms of 'punch' mh will always have the edge.... using t5, u will have to sacrifice ur tank height, or just opt to put ur sps closer to surface......

anyway, u might want to seek advice from danano, he's got great success in using t5's for his sps tank....

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can tell how to get extra wattage from 640W to 768W for the T5? output cannot be more than input in concept of power/electricity if I am not wrong. Cannot get something out of nothing(law of conservation of energy).

>> reefer in german > by using good reflector > at least 20% improve in the t5 output. B)

8 xt5 (80w) >> should be strong enough >as for Mh, reefer will still place sps near the surface. Thus not much diff >compare t5 to MH. Believe no reefer will place their sps on the bottom of their tank. :lol::lol:

i checked with my tankmaker, a user of T5. T5 require >replacement around 1 year. Plus a recent reef magazine also comments that T5 (for current technology) can last around 1year plus. Thus mh only last 2-3 month more than T5.

Any more comments from T5 user ...?? like danano ... :thanks::thanks::thanks:

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  • SRC Member

I just do some research on t5 HO.. will need more advice and comments from other reefers . Hopes that these infor will be useful to those intend to use T5 HO a main lighting system. :thanks:

Any comments on the equipments > i plans for my 5ft tank. ? :thanks::thanks:

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  • SRC Member
>> reefer in german > by using good reflector > at least 20% improve in the t5 output. B)

20% improvement is compared to normal reflectors, that's what I think they are refering.

But it been tested used by many reefers here that MH bulbs will spectrum shift over time and needs to change max 1 year. spectrum shift will results in many things like sudden colour chages in acros, certain specific algae growth etc. Old T5 usually needs replacement 6-9 months. Maybe now newer technology can last longer but for sure, T5 will not have spectrum shift, but just dimming of the output.

So, at the end of the day, its ones preference.

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  • SRC Member

Thanks weisoon bro,

Thus T5 will just reduce it output watt, but still keep its color spectrum eg; 20,000k. :lol:

Yup, i believe that newer tachnology has improved T5 lifespan and performance. Thus getting 8x 80w T5 >> should be more than enough for my 5ft sps tank. :o

Any T5 users > comments ??

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  • SRC Member

Since you have already decided on getting T5s as the tank lighthing. What sort of comments do you want to hear from the other reefers?

Bro. not confirm yet as i will get my AB nitrate reactor, 1/3hp chiller , tunze controller set first etc.. just that i refer T5 than MH now.

But , i need T5 user advice, comments on the current T5 performance and lifespan. After hearing other reefers comments on the replacement cost, thus it is important for me to get more infor in this area. :o

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get 1hp is better...

u still have not consider the cost of changing the bulbs.. wad's the cost of 8 tubes of t5(and consider that u have to change every 6 months the tubes to obtain the best effect of the t5) and 2x400 or 3x250(changing of bulbs after 12 months)?

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I am planning to use x9 T5s for my 5 ft tank. Will be using x3 Icecap 660 so they will be overdriven to aprox 100W each, according to Icecap's experiments.

According to Icecap's trials, T5s overdriven by their ballasts will at worst drop 10% of output and pretty much hold their spectrum for 2 yrs. These figures are from using GE 6500K starcoat bulbs so will likely not hold true for other phosphors like actinics. Most likely you will have to change bulbs at between 1yr to 1.5 yrs depending on the kelvin rating of the bulb. No shortcuts but just measure lux and PAR to tell ....

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Bro marinebetta,

Thanks for your infor on T5. :lol: . Most likely you will have to change bulbs at between 1yr to 1.5 yrs depending on the kelvin rating of the bulb.<<

Marinebetta> can you tell me >more infor on the lifespan of T5 ho. Some reefers stated that T5 ho need replacement after 6-7months!! Some stated > T5 ho needs replacement after 1yrs. :o ???

Need more infor, comments. :thanks::thanks:

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