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Mushroom corals


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  • SRC Member


just got some mushroom corals.....wondering what supplement you guys bought for it....in the market there;s quite a few brand......pls recommend to a newbie....thanks

Tank: 5 X 2 X 2.5

Sump : 3 X 1.5 X 1.8

Tunze 6060

Tunze TF08

Oceanrunner 6500

Deltec AP 902 Protein Skimmer

I-Aquatic Calcium Reactor

Arctica Chiller

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Mushroom need iodine.

My green bubble grow from around 2-3 cm in diameter to around 10cm after I add iodine. But now My mushroom always shift home due to grow to big (overcrowding) most landed on the bottom <_<

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  • SRC Member

:unsure: i din know mushroom need iodine....side track abit...wat other corals need iodine or wat's the precise function of iodine :thanks:

wolfie, follow the instructions on the respective manufacturer bottle...i am using Kent Marine Tech Iodine :D

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shroom just need light to survive...

they feed through photosynthesis of the symbiotic algae zooxanthellae which it hosts.

different shrooms have diff light requirments,

some need more, some need less.

so you might want to check what kind you have and place them on a suitable level in your tank.

jason is also right,

they need to have iodine amd trace elements

to thrive, so you need to add those on a suitable basis.

good luck on your corals


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  • SRC Member
shroom just need light to survive...

they feed through photosynthesis of the symbiotic algae zooxanthellae which it hosts.

different shrooms have diff light requirments,

some need more, some need less.

so you might want to check what kind you have and place them on a suitable level in your tank.

jason is also right,

they need to have iodine amd trace elements

to thrive, so you need to add those on a suitable basis.

good luck on your corals


bum, can you elaborate what kind of mushroom will need what kind of light? To many of us, mushroom is just mushroom, difficult to name their scientific name, so if you have pictures of each of the common mushrooms that can be purchase locally and their light requirement, that will be great!!!! erhh... am I asking too much :blink:

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  • SRC Member

bum, can you elaborate what kind of mushroom will need what kind of light? To many of us, mushroom is just mushroom, difficult to name their scientific name, so if you have pictures of each of the common mushrooms that can be purchase locally and their light requirement, that will be great!!!! erhh... am I asking too much :blink:

No no no....it's a good idea.....cos for me....a newbie...mushroom is just mushroom...coral is just coral.....

some website also nv mention how much light is needed....

Tank: 5 X 2 X 2.5

Sump : 3 X 1.5 X 1.8

Tunze 6060

Tunze TF08

Oceanrunner 6500

Deltec AP 902 Protein Skimmer

I-Aquatic Calcium Reactor

Arctica Chiller

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There are a few more common ones;

Ricordea yuma

Actinodiscus sp. (Quite smooth top)

Rhodactis sp.

Do Not overdose iodine. It can wipe out your tank. Only dose regularly if you have many corals with higher iodine need like Xenia and most soft corals/mushrooms and put only half manufacturer's dosage if you are not testing with an iodine kit.

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clown trigger,

wah..post pics ah??

too many kinds la...heh heh

why not find out what kind of shrooms you wan before you buy?

there are a few websites that can tell you their light and supplement requirments before you buy them..

usually i place them where there is a moderate water flow and light...

some of my shrooms usually detach and make their way around the tank...

at first i thought it was cos they were dying, but they did well wherever they reattached... :D:D

but most mushrooms are easily maintained by the beginner reefer,

so as long as your light and water parems are ok...

you cannot go wrong with them..

;) , good lick

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Bum, care to share the websites that you have mentioned? Sometimes as you know when you are at LFS, you saw a great specimen, usually you won't say go home and check for reference and then come back later and buy it, most probably when you leave the shop, the corals would be taken by the person that was behind you then :rolleyes:

I agree that there are lots of specimen, maybe for a start, can you post the types of mushroom that you have and state the requirement. Other will then add on if they see that what you post does not include theirs, this way, the reference for mushroom for the begineer will grow in this way. Sometimes I don't quite trust the web as what they list is those "Ang Moh" kind of mushrooms, usually cannot find in Singapore one. I believe all those mushroom lover who got their mushrooms locally, their specimen should be quite localised to Singapore and should be easy for all of us to get that kind of specimen in Singapore. Maybe for a start, I should contribute to what I have

Green Mushroom, this is what I call it. Living under 4x40W PL light. Depth of tank is 2.5ft, so I presume this kind of mushroom does not require alot of light, medium light should do. Feed with Marine de lux, Mico vert, Phytoplex and add Iodine, Strontium once a week. So far so good, has been with me for about 6 months. Expand up to 4-5 inch each. The photo shown is taken in November 2002, will take a recent one this weekend.

So Mushroom lover, please add on and keep theball rolling.....


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I feel like contribution also ………. They're large and meaty, and they work well in stir-fries, soups, and side dishes, or as a meat substitute. Dried shiitakes are excellent, and often preferable to fresh due to their more intense flavor. Soak them in water for about thirty minutes to reconstitute them, then use the water they soaked in to enhance your sauce. :P:lol::rolleyes::D:eyebrow:


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I use a product called Coralife Kalkwasser.

It mentioned that it has included iodine and strodium.

Dunno whether it is true or not.

Young chap at SeaLife told me that it is unlikely for calcium hydroxide to mix with iodine and strodium... :unsure:

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ok i wil see if i can get pics of my mushrooms,

i have the giant cup mushroom(Amplexidiscus fenestrafer), blue mushroom actinodiscus, and green mushroom actinodiscus.

at least i paid for them lah,

i have some random mushrooms that came with LR,

or the rocks with zoos and other corals that i got...so no count lah..i got one white one that i like, free! heh heh

but as a side dish???shitake still better

as for websites...

uh, is it ok for me to post links here?

ang mo sites also reef what. and usually if the shrooms come from the indo-pacific, they can be found here in S'pore. so ang mo or not, still pah kay la...

but i get most of my info from books that got,

i have the macmillans guide, the conscientious reef aquarist and one more...

cannot remember the name....

some i borrowed from the library...

shrooms usually need medium to low light la, ..

i add strontium, iodine, calcium and trace elements once a week

unless i do water change...

truthfully, last time i also see nice coral...see beh gian..

BUY!!! than go back and check the requirments...heh heh

but kanna burn too many times lah...

coral so exp, die also my heart pain man...

lucky shrooms still cheaper....

k, tomolo then


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my mushrooms...

Rotating between Kent's Phytoplex, Kent's MicroVert and Coralife Smorgasbord...8 drops daily.

Dosing SeaChem Reef Trace and Reef Plus, 1 cap each (5ml) every 5 days.

2ft tank vol, 30G

PL 10K, 10 hours.

PL acticnic 12 hours.


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I also use Coralife Kalkwasser given by ONG.

:paiseh: did not check qty I dose, I just whenever I like it (ard 1-2 times a week).

My mushroom mostly migrate to the tank's floor very angry because when they are on the bottom without sand they get toss around by the current so dun open up.

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  • 5 months later...
  • SRC Member

Some pics and explanation of the different type of mrooms ..

Ricodea Yuma ( bubbles around the mouth) from the Indo-Pacific region.

Ricordea yuma is readily distinguished from R. florida by the fact that the former has pseudotentacles on the ###### cone, while the latter does not. Also, R. florida often has numerous mouths and elongated irregular polyps, while R. yuma is usually circular, with one mouth.

Strong light require .


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