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At last my 5 footer!!


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys

Just which to share some pic. of my 5 footer. Currently is work in progress.......doing commissioning on my piping.

The main tank is a 5X2.5X2 and sump tank is 4X1.5X1.5 feet.


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My construction site! Lucky my Mdm not in town....kekeke....or she will not tolerate this mess....hahaha :lol: .....


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  • SRC Member

Sand....the thought of pouring all these sand into the tank is..... :look: Maybe should get some Bangadesh workerto help huh..... :lol:


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  • SRC Member
why dont you just cure your lr in the tank..... dont fill up the water till the overflow there, then at the same time do you piping lor :D

Oh...I bought this for other fellow reefers and they are mostly cured so...... :P

By the way, I wish to thank Jeffrey for borrowing the blue tub. Thanks very much. I really appreciate that. :thanks:

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The commissioning didnt last long because.......leaking!!!! My bloody pump (8500L/Hr) was probably too strong and is leaking at the joins while pumping the water up to the main tank......sigh! :ph34r:

Then...the back flow.....added a check valve! B)


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After a night of mixing sea salt.....hmmm.....very blur....very green..... :( The sea salt mixing is power by a pump!

One mistake.....didnt de-chlorine the water! Sigh! Totally forgot about it! Guess will have to let the air do the work.....evaporation!!! :lol:


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Guess thats all I have for the moment and these have been taking me 2 weeks to get to this stage....more weeks to come before I can even put a single fish or corals.....patience patience Nelson!!! <_<

Ok better get back to work....kekeke

Any comments are welcome...... :lol:

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  • SRC Member

Just a note ... Chlorine will be remove if you leave the water overnight.. BUT.. Chloramine will not...

PUB added Chloramine, so you defintely need water conditioner to do that job of removing Chloramine.

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  • SRC Member

search around for keyword chloramine in yahoo

the first few sites already have all the answers

Rodian ...thanks very much.....I was having sleepless night with this problems......thought it was so simple just by evaporation...... :thanks:

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Yup!!! Will get it tonight...Seachem Prime! .......then I can throw all the sand in on Friday! Yahoo.....

My sand are used sand and I notice some black patches in it.....presumingly the dead bateria or organism......

Any precautious should I take....... :huh:

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  • SRC Member

me use other brand of chlorine remover.. so far find it the best and also help keep alge problem...

hmm u using all old sand or a mix of old and new...

how old is the sand..try not to use too much old sand..

lastly why u make so many head loss for your return pump..

u should place the pump right under the return of the main tank so as to reduce head loss...

my tank can't do that because I'm puting my chiller in the cabinet so have to bare with the head loss.. and use a TS12 tunze to drive the current instead...

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