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Lee 2.5 Ft Tank


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My Tank at 5th months; March 2003 (from Oct 2002)


Juwel Rio 125 - about 26 US Gallon (water only) (S$ 500)


Crush Coral 3-4" depth (S$ 30)

Live Rock about 33 pounds (S$ 150)


Filtered Seawater from LFW (S$ 0.80/gallon)

Water Specs (typical):

Ammonia - <0.1, Nitrite - <0.2, Nitrate - <15-25

PH - 8.3, Temp - 26-28C, Salinity - 1.021-24


Juwel Internal Filter 600l/h (wool, act carbon, sponge)

Hdor Prime10 External Filter 300l/h (wool, act carbon, ceramic)(S$ 90)

Eden 228 Power Head 1000l/h (S$ 40)

Skimmer Piccolo Sander (using air difusser)(S$ 25)


China Resun (set for 26-27C, room temp 32-34C)(S$ 699)

Lighting: (2" from tank surface)

Coralite Actinic 18W x 2 (12 hrs)

Arcadia Marine White 18W x 3 (9 hrs)(S$ 150)

Livestocks :


Blood Shrimp x2 (S$ 8)

Red Starfish x1 (S$ 5)

Duster worms x2 (S$ 1.50)


Leather coral (S$8)

Xenia (S$ 10)

Dead Man coral (S$ 8)

Sun coral (S$ 8)

Soft corals (S$ 8)

Bubble-type corals (S$ 15)

Mushrooms (S$ 12)

Fungai coral (S$ 18)

Aemone corals (S$ 25)

Anemone x 2 (S$ 30)



Maroon clown (S$ 8)

Common clown x3 (S$ 8)

Yellow wrasse (S$ 5)

Green wrasse (S$ 5)

Flame angel (S$ 48)

Potter angel (S$ 48)

Blue damsel (S$ 4)

Blue/yellow damsel (S$ 5)

My current feeding regime :-

Daily - 1 cube of frozen blood worm

2x Weekly - pieces of prawns

1x Weekly - brine shrimps


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Tank nitrate level increases to more than 80ppm and with it many

corals wiltered. Redone the maintenance.

My Tank at 10th months; August 2003 (from Oct 2002)

Lists changes only


Crush Coral 2" depth

Fine Coral Sand 1" depth (S$ 18)

Water Specs (typical):

Ammonia - Not check, Nitrite - Not check, Nitrate - 70-80 ppm

PH - 8.3, Temp - 27-29C, Salinity - 1.021-24

Livestocks :


Blood Shrimp x1 (S$ 8)


Soft corals (S$ 8)

Bubble-type corals (S$ 15)

Mushrooms (S$ 12)

Anemone x 1 (S$ 40)

Button corals

Flat Brain coral (S$ 35)


Common clown x3 (S$ 6)

Yellow wrasse (S$ 5)

Green wrasse (S$ 5)

Blue damsel (S$ 5

Blue/yellow damsel (S$ 5

False Maroon Gamma (S$ 8)

Yellow Tank (S$ 25)


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Tank nitrate level increases again from 30ppm to 80ppm and with it many corals wiltered. Perform a major maintenance & cleanup.

My Tank at 12th months; October 2003 (from Oct 2002)

Lists changes only


Crush Coral remove

Fine Coral Sand increased to 3" depth


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Tank nitrate level stabilises at around 30ppm to 60ppm.

Perform regular 50% water change bi-monthly and maintenance.

My Tank at 15th months; January 2004 (from Oct 2002)

Lists changes only


Remove Hdor Prime10 External Filter 300l/h

Lighting Changed:

1 Coralite Actinic 18W (12 hrs) - 1" from surface

2.4' Matrix PL 12,000K lighting, 4x24watt


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

No sump but about 3-4" of fine grade sand.

One internal & one external filter & a small air-stone skimmer.

Nitrate normally hovers around 30-40 ppm. Have to do regular

water & filter media changes.

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  • 2 months later...
  • SRC Member

My tank as of 3 May 2004.

Water Parameter (typical):

Ammonia - Not check, Nitrite - Not check, Nitrate - 30-45 ppm

PH - 8.3, Temp - 27-28C, Salinity - Not check


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Yes, the 2.5ft (125 litres) Juwel tank has standard pricing which c/w internal filter, heater and 2x 15w lighting.

I think the high nitrate is due to excessive bioload then, currently only have 7 fish and trying to maintain my nitrate at 35-50ppm level.

Hence only hardy soft/hard corals for me now.

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Yes, the 2.5ft (125 litres) Juwel tank has standard pricing which c/w internal filter, heater and 2x 15w lighting.

I think the high nitrate is due to excessive bioload then, currently only have 7 fish and trying to maintain my nitrate at 35-50ppm level.

Hence only hardy soft/hard corals for me now.

yeap....think your nitrate problem is with the fish load.... I had a nirtate hovering around 80 until i cut down my fish load from 6 to 4....its now around 5pmm (hopefully it will hold at that level)

I don't have a slump, or DSB, but i also did the following....

- Remove all mechanical filters and use them entirely as chemial filter

- Add a pre-filter sponge to the input of my canister

- Added a lot of clams (heard they process nirtate)

- cut down on feeding...some of my fishes will feed on algae anyway.

hope it helps....

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

My Tank as of 11 May 2004.

Due to constant high nitrate of around 40-60ppm performed the following

as advised by some reefers here :-

Remove all internal sponges from my filters and put only Chemi-pure and pre-filter wool. As I did it almost the same time and maybe because of the sudden

'shock', 3 of my fish (2 percula & 1 Flame) suddenly got 'white spot'. Within a

week 1 percula & flame were dead together with 1 or 2 corals.

Currently nitrate hovers around 40ppm, left only 3 fish and got myself a clam,

some yuma and a pink Blastomussa. Probably will be concentrating on soft corals

instead. Will also be thinking of upgrading my Skimmer caused the current small Sander Air Wooden stone type seldom works.


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erm..... i blur abit...... but what lighting are u using........ i think its not metal halide rite....... u might want to place ur clam higher on ur rockscape.... IMO thats a tridacna crocea .... one of the most light demanding clam........ its sold cheap becoz its easy to harvest... and why... because it lives in very shallow water...... and is exposed to light levels that is almost impossible to replicate by metal halide...... so IMO put ur clams up higher....hope it helps....... :peace:

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erm... bro sorry to give u a piece of bad news....... :cry2: ur clams wont survive under that lighting even if u put it close to the surface..... upgrade to either t5 .... or the barest minimum would be CR-T4-55watts series..... hope it helps..... but i would strongly recommend for a 250 watt metal halide for the well being of ur trdacna croces.....

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