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Daeil Chiller


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  • SRC Member

This is my observation on daeil chiller 0.5 HP(external model). The temperature is measured using the digital thermometer attached to the main tank. Chiller return to the main tank. The digital thermometer temperature cross checked with mercury thermometer to make sure its correct. Since its correct, i use digital thermometer to monitor the temperature. I am using eheim 1262 to run the chiller.

My tank specs

TANK : 4 x 2 x 2 with 3.5 x 2 x 1.5 sump

LIGHTS : 2 x 150W MH, 2 x 36 W PL

PUMPS : 2 x 1262, 1 x 1260, 1 x 1048, tunze 6060

Photo Period :

PL lights : 4:30PM ON and 3:00 AM OFF

MH Lights : 6:30 PM ON and 1:00AM OFF

All the Lights are on when the testing was done. Ambient temperature around 29 -30.

Temperature set to 26 degrees

Time Temperature©

9:45 PM 29.2 CHILLER ON

11:25 PM 25.6 CHILLER OFF

Time taken to cool down 3.6 degrees - 1 hr 40 mins

12:13 PM 26.4

12:37 PM 25.6

Time taken to cool down 0.8 degrees - 24 mins

01:30 AM 26.4

01:53 AM 25.6

Time taken to cool down 0.8 degrees - 23 mins

After that didnt Monitor.

Next Day Morning

10:32 AM 26.4

10:54 AM 25.6

Time taken to cool down 0.8 degrees - 22 mins

11:58 AM 26.4

12:25 PM 25.6

Time taken to cool down 0.8 degrees - 27 mins

Now the Chiller temperature changed to 27 degrees

3:02 PM 27.4

3:24 PM 26.6

Time taken to cool down 0.8 degrees - 22 mins

4:38 PM 27.4

5:00 PM 26.6

Time taken to cool down 0.8 degrees - 22 mins

6:11 PM 27.4

6:31 PM 26.6

Time taken to cool down 0.8 degrees - 20 mins

7:34 PM 27.4

7:56 PM 26.6

Time taken to cool down 0.8 degrees - 22 mins

8:55 PM 27.4

9:18 PM 26.6

Time taken to cool down 0.8 degrees - 23 mins

On an average it takes 20 - 25 mins to cool down 0.8 deg. For me it doesnt mater whether the lights on or off. Only few minutes different. Although its external i keep it in my living room. THe noise level is high since its an commercial chiller.

The heat generated is same as my teco.

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This is about the same performance with my 1/2hp artica commerical chiller.

My tank is 4x2x2.5 (with 6" DSB) technically should be 4x2x2

sump is 3x1.5x1.5 (abt 40% filled).

Chiller driven from sump to main tank with resun MD40.

lights 2x250W

You can put your hands to feel the water coming out from the chiller at such flow rate and feel that it is chilling.

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  • SRC Member

My Daeil 0.5HP take abt 20min to cool down my 3x2x2ft tank with sump tank 2.5x1.5x1.5ft. Total light is 2x250W and 2x39w T5 and 2x24w T5. there are 4 maxijets in main tank and 3 pumps in sump (total wattage is abt 180W). When light OFF takes abt 10-13mins to cool.

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  • 3 months later...
This is my observation on daeil chiller 0.5 HP(external model).

On an average it takes 20 - 25 mins to cool down 0.8 deg.

this, i can concur with Vinoth :)

I also observe this timing on my Artica similar unit, even though my system is a 6ft tank, 5ft sump and 2ft side tank, teeing off from an mx100 to drive the chiller :)

weileong has also told me his 4ft tank system with sump (dunno what size) needs also 20-25mins to pull down 0.8deg. he is driving his chiller with md40 if i am not wrong.

me not very knowledgeable on chilllers, so i can only offer my observation runtimes and nothing much of those theoretical information :)

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