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My new 3ft Tank!!


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i've taken all my LS and LR out....

didn't know i have so much LR, filled up the tub...

LS nothing much

2 X zoo

1 X hammer

1X christmas tree

1 X gionorapo (dunno how to spell.someone can correct me?)

5 X mushrooms (mainly brown type)

2 X clown fish (so far the only survivors)

my fishes all died due to different reasons

1) anemone shredded (killed 2 damsels)

2) spoilt coral food (killed 2 fire gobies and 2 purple fire gobies and 1 bi-colour dotty back and 1 bi-colour blenny)

3) dunno wat happen (killed copperband and singapore angel)

4) ich (my powder blue)

5) sucked into PH (1 damsel)

wah!!! didn't know i killed so many fishes already.....

new resolution, minimise deaths in my new setup


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thinking of the following LS


1) 1 x hammer, green tip (at least 6 inches wide)

2) 1 X frogspawn, pink tip(at least 6inches wide)

3) 2 X pulsing xenia, (dunno wat colour, any recommendations?)

4) 2 X turtle weed

5) 1 X orange monti (at least 3inches wide)

6) 2 X bamboo algae (issit the correct name?)

7) 2 X coco worm (1 white, 1 red)


1) 1 X purple tang

2) 1 X yellow tang

3) 2 X fire gobies (either red or purple)

4) 1 X bi-colour blenny

5) 2 X scooter blennies (i think its the rite name, the kind with red stripes on their white body, pls correct me if i am wrong)

6) 5 X ###### shrimps, 1 X coral band shrimp, 1 X red shrimp (confirmed taking from fellow reefer already)

7) 1 X sailfin tang


1) 1 X 150W MH with 10kk bulb

2) DIY skimmer (working already but have to modify to fit new tank stand)

very tempted to try powder blue and regal blue (dolly) but maybe later....

anyone with recommendations???all advises will be carefully thought over....thanks....

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hijack from another thread


Just got 4 purple fire gobies (read that one or more than two is the best). Anyway had a fire goby in my tank as well, after a day of introducing the purple into the tank, the red started to hang around with them and started to reside in the same hiding hole.....

hhhhmmmm....then should i have more gobies??

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my fishes all died due to different reasons

1) anemone shredded (killed 2 damsels)

2) spoilt coral food (killed 2 fire gobies and 2 purple fire gobies and 1 bi-colour dotty back and 1 bi-colour blenny)

spoil coral food can kill fish ar?

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the spoilt coral food is the prime suspect because i didn't add anything to my tank at all....juz normal feeding...and i added the coral food (liquid), forgot the brand liao....so i opened up the bottle and notice blackish substance in it, initially the solution was clear (whitish)....therefore i suspect it is that thing that killed my fishes....

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oic,anyway under stand how u feel..was so happy when im about to get my tank the last time too :D

btw why didnt u go for a taller height or wider width?

i mean 3x2x2

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oic,anyway under stand how u feel..was so happy when im about to get my tank the last time too :D

btw why didnt u go for a taller height or wider width?

i mean 3x2x2

i got my tank from marcvelous....so its so much cheaper than if i get it brand new....anyway, juz collected it today!!!!


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tomolo's things to do

1) fill the tank + sump with sea water

2) do the piping

3) scape my LRs

4) place my corals

anyway....anyone has any experience with tangs?? purple,sailfin and yellow tangs...need advises, coz i will be keeping them....check out the list of fishes i intend to keep....any valuable advises??and the corals too...any things i should add to beautify my tank???

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My advise to u is to scrape the idea of havin so many tangs in ur tank coz ur tank are way too small for so many of them. Lookin at the amt of dead fishes, would advise u to stock up real slowly. Find info on the fish u wanna keep before buyin...hope tat u dun have anymore dead fishes... patience and have fun doin up ur new tank bro :lol:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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3 tangs only leh....too much ar??? hai....i was even thinkin of getting a powder blue too....

anyway, today didn't get to do anything coz last min have to come to skool and do project....fixed up my bulkhead for my pverflow already, now waiting for silicon to cure...tomolo

!) add sea water

2) complete pipiing

3) rock scaping

4) add corals

anyway, i've reserved my MH from jazzben....watiting for collection....

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now i have this

2 X zoo

1 X hammer

1X christmas tree

1 X flower pot (purple)

5 X mushrooms (mainly brown type)

1 X clown fish (so far the only survivors)

5 X ###### shrimps

2 X coral band shrimp

1 X red shrimp

thinking of the following additions

1) 1 x hammer, green tip (at least 6 inches wide)

2) 1 X frogspawn, pink tip(at least 6inches wide)

3) 2 X pulsing xenia, (dunno wat colour, any recommendations?)

4) 2 X turtle weed

5) 1 X orange monti (at least 3inches wide)

6) 2 X bamboo algae (issit the correct name?)

7) 2 X coco worm (1 white, 1 red)

8) 1 X flower pot (green)

9) 3 X mushies (green + orange yumas)


1) 1 X purple tang

2) 1 X yellow tang

3) 1 X sailfin tang

4) 3 or 4 X fire gobies (either red or purple)

5) 1 X bi-colour blenny

6) 2 X scooter blennies (i think its the rite name, the kind with red stripes on their white body, pls correct me if i am wrong)

hai....jd_n recommended not to have too many tangs....3 only leh....should i or should i not??anymore advises??or any coral recommendations???

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now i have this

2 X zoo

1 X hammer

1X christmas tree

1 X flower pot (purple)

5 X mushrooms (mainly brown type)

1 X clown fish (so far the only survivors)

5 X ###### shrimps

2 X coral band shrimp

1 X red shrimp

thinking of the following additions

1) 1 x hammer, green tip (at least 6 inches wide)

2) 1 X frogspawn, pink tip(at least 6inches wide)

3) 2 X pulsing xenia, (dunno wat colour, any recommendations?)

4) 2 X turtle weed

5) 1 X orange monti (at least 3inches wide)

6) 2 X bamboo algae (issit the correct name?)

7) 2 X coco worm (1 white, 1 red)

8) 1 X flower pot (green)

9) 3 X mushies (green + orange yumas)


1) 1 X purple tang

2) 1 X yellow tang

3) 1 X sailfin tang

4) 3 or 4 X fire gobies (either red or purple)

5) 1 X bi-colour blenny

6) 2 X scooter blennies (i think its the rite name, the kind with red stripes on their white body, pls correct me if i am wrong)

hai....jd_n recommended not to have too many tangs....3 only leh....should i or should i not??anymore advises??or any coral recommendations???


Juz for ur info, i hv item 1,5 and 9 for sale. look out for it in my thread in Pasar Malam. :off:

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hai....jd_n recommended not to have too many tangs....3 only leh....should i or should i not??anymore advises??or any coral recommendations???

3 tangs are definitely too many for your tank size. Tangs are active swimmers and they need lots of room. I'd keep either only a yellow or a purple if I were you. Definitely leave out the powder blue.

Scooter blennies Synchiropus ocellatus belong to the dragonet family (madarins) and are not like what you described. I think you were giving descriptions of a Yashia Goby Stonogobiops Yashia.

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maybe go for 2 tangs enough than go for other kind of fishes :)

since u are kinda limited to tangs suggest u get either yellow or purple tang cos both have the same shape.. maybe try powder brown tang or powder blue and get 1 more tang..

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maybe go for 2 tangs enough than go for other kind of fishes :)

since u are kinda limited to tangs suggest u get either yellow or purple tang cos both have the same shape.. maybe try powder brown tang or powder blue and get 1 more tang.

Powder browns and blues are all difficult fishes to keep and they are definitely not good candidates for a new tank. With all the constant moving of rocks and corals comon in new tanks, they will be stressed out in no time at all.

I suggest you should not even consider having any surgeons in your aquaria until everything has settled down some months down the road. And even then, do not keep more than 2. If you really must have surgeons, why not keep the kole tang? Its fairly hardy and it also takes care of some nuisance algae which other tangs doesn't eat.

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