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Bandit Angelfish (Apolemichthys arcuatus)

Bandit Angelfish (Apolemichthys arcuatus)


Minimum Tank Size: 180 gallons

Care Level: Difficult

Temperament: Semi-aggressive

Reef Compatible: Yes

Max. Size: 7"

Color Form: Black, White

Diet: Omnivore

Origin: Hawaii

Family: Pomacanthidae

The Black Bandit Angelfish is also known as the Black-banded Angelfish because of the swatch of black that extends horizontally from over the eye to the end of the dorsal fin. It is also known as the Hawaiian Pearlyscale Angelfish due to the shimmering whites to grays making up the majority of body color. The ###### fin is dark brown and the tail has a wide dark brown rim tipped inwardly with white.

A single Black Bandit Angelfish will do well in a tank of at least 180 gallons with plenty of hiding places. Once established, the Black Bandit Angelfish may become territorial. With a natural diet of sponges, the Gray Angelfish is difficult to acclimatize. It has a habit of nipping at soft and hard corals and clam mantles, so it is not a good reef dweller.

It is hermaphroditic, very difficult to breed in an aquarium, and indistinguishable by coloration from male to female.

A varied diet of angelfish preparations, marine algae, live rock for grazing, and vitamin-fortified shrimp should be provided.

Uncommon fish in the market. Commonly found on the deep ledges exposed to current where it feeds upon sponge deeper than 70 feet around the Main Hawaiian Islands but fairly common in as little as 25 feet in the cooler Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

Photo Information for Bandit Angelfish (Apolemichthys arcuatus)


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