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Metallic Orange Mushroom

Metallic Orange Mushroom


Actinodiscus (Discosoma)

Common Species: A. cardinalis, A. mutabilis, A. striata, A. marmoratus

Common names for Actinodiscus spp. are mushrooms, mushroom anemones, disc anemones, and mushroom corals. Actinodiscus corals prefer low intensity light. These come in a variety of colors: red, orange, green, blue, purple, and some metallics. In addition, Actinodiscus spp. may be solid in hue, or heterochromatic (more than one color in pie shape), as well as spotted, splotchy, or striped. Under high intensity lighting, the zooxanthellae of Actinodiscus species may become concentrated, leading to a dull or brown colored coral and completely obscuring the natural colors of the polyp. In general, these mushrooms are not considered predatory, so it is not necessary to directly feed them. They will do just fine with photosynthesis from their zooxanthellae and direct nutrient uptake from the water. Actinodiscus may sometimes be sold as Discosoma.

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