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Pomacanthus Annularis
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Pomacanthus Annularis


Common name : Blue ring Angelfish , Annularis Angelfish

Max length : 45 CM

Distribution : East Africa east to the solomon islands, north to Sri lankan and southern japan, South to Madagascar.

Aquarium size: 180 gal

Temp: 22 to 27

Captive care : This fish is usually quite shy when firstly introduce into the aquarium. During this stage of the acclimation process, it will spend much of its time hiding behind aquarium decor or rocks and will race for cover if anyone approach the tank. For this reason, it is imperative to have several larger hiding space that can be utilized by this fish. Once this fish acclimated, it is an aggressive feeder and will learn to recognize the aquarist for food. Live food (Brine shrimp) or fresh, finely chopped seafoods may help to induce a finicky individual to feed. Make sure you include some greens in its diet. Small juveniles are sometimes reluctant to feed. The blue angelfish can be quite belligerent, especially toward other angelfish. It is also possible that it will bully more passive tank mates.

Photo from ozanimals.com


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