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  1. Today
  2. 1350L Sicce pump Going for $25 quick sale https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=6592954138 Up
  3. Ups. Just $50 for both tanks.
  4. I am keen. Please see pm. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Left: Zebra tang (4inches) - $2300 Black storm clown (6cm)- $100 Stripey (3cm) - $120 Galaxy monti (10cm)- $30 Xenia mini colony- $5 each
  6. For sale: Zebra tang (4inches) - $2300 Black storm clown (6cm)- $100 Stripey (3cm) - $120 Multicolor clam- $70 Huge pink birdnest colony- $90 Galaxy monti (10cm)- $30 Xenia mini colony- $5 each Collection at kembangan. Telegram me @caulifloweric to deal
  7. Yesterday
  8. Am fine bro...just started to pickup back. 4yrs lay off. Only snow onyx clown fish are the leftover since then...u interested?
  9. Upzz for u bro.. long time never seen you..how are you?
  10. Up, Hi reefer. If you are interested in taking all the equipment i listed above. I will drop the price to S$3200
  11. Letting go my anemones for space. Its open about 10in close at 4in with the hose snow onyx clownfish breeding pair. Anemones $80 and clownfish pair $300. Offspring every month.Pic under white light. Take both $350. View and collection at CCK 680251. PM me if interested.
  12. I have 3 selling at $10 each.. Pm to deal.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Last week
  14. Sold !!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Hi Pm , Milu kaka here !! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. 1350L Sicce pump Going for $25 quick sale https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=6592954138
  17. Two tanks to clear: 1. Nano tank, 27*20*20 (small one). Tank only. Good condition, good quality. 2. Standard tank, 60*32*37, good condition, good quality Both well taken care for. Used for marine fish. There's a tiny tank, take it too. Take all for $60 only. Self collect, Beo crescent. PM if keen
  18. hi, anyone wanna trade fish or coral with my red saddleback clownfish adult breeding pair for trade with fish or coral at clementi pm if interested 20250108_195853.mp4
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