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WTS Coral frags from $10


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1. Anti venom 50

2. Oxide 50

3. Rhodactis and blue dot mushrooms 30

4. Orange polyp monti 15

5. Purple tip valida 15

6. Metallic red acro 20

7. Miyaki tort 20

8. Red stag 15

9. Blue stag 50

10. Green body purple polyp 20

11. Rainbow vdm 50

12. Bird of paradise birdnest 10

13. Scramble egg zoa 10


Collection at serangoon garden

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  • SRC Member

Update on availability

1. Anti venom 50
2. Oxide 50
3. Rhodactis and blue dot mushrooms 30
4. Orange polyp monti 15
5. Purple tip valida 15
9. Blue stag 50
10. Green body purple polyp 20
11. Rainbow vdm 50
12. Bird of paradise birdnest 10
13. Scramble egg zoa 10

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

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